Release date: 25 March 2025
NewPSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Added new optional argumentIGNORE_CONTROL_IF_OFFLINE=
Command. If set toYES
Commands are ignored if all assets controlled by theCONTROL
Command are offline.
PSS®E Dynamic
: Removed limit onsim.maxiter
Advanced Parameter (was previously limited to 600 iterations).
- Engine: Fixed rare permission error when creating a Standalone folder, typically seen in
PSS®E Dynamic
Release date: 14 March 2025
NewPSS®E Dynamic
: Added alternative playback generator mode - to support OEM models which require the playback generator model to be located in the same.dyr
file as the other dynamic models (not merged separately).PowerFactory Static
now has newROW=
Argument for setting variable values which are within tables.
PSS®E Static
is used, the generator's active power is now clamped to be within the new limits.
- Engine: Occasional duplication of the table header in the Engine's worker summary table view.
PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Fixed error printing giving unclear 'bound method' text instead of the bus number if a bus is out of service or doesn't exist.Plot
: Text to show scaling factor applied to the y-axes now auto-scale to match the size of the rest of the subplot text.PowerFactory Static
: Bus status incorrectly not checked when getting pre-convergence bus voltages to determine voltage limits - causes 'DataObject has no m:u property' error.
Release date: 7 March 2025
New- Engine: Added hyperlink to each Task's Standalone folder inside the Simulation Summary.
- Engine: Added maximum cache size setting to Engine settings window.
- Engine: Tasks now show progress within the current Task on the Engine console window.
: Added PSCAD™ launch checks - if a build error occurs and gridmo identifies a likely issue, additional information will be provided (such as absolute paths in resources, or linked libraries not being copied to the EMTDC™ working directory).PSCAD™
: Added warning when PSCAD™ plot step exceeds 1 ms (as this may lead to aliasing or inaccurate plot calculations).PSS®E Dynamic
: Added support for PSS®E Dynamic wrapper type models (where an external executable or library is called).PSS®E Dynamic
: Now detects and raises dedicated error if 'Run may not be accessible' condition detected during dynamic model initialisation due to missing.dyr
record for one or more generators.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Added newSCALE_TX
Command to allow easy testing for a lower number of aggregated inverters.Plot
Plot Node Command added to calculate damping ratio of generator responses.Table
: Transposed output selection added (to switch rows and columns in table Node output files).Table
: Updated with new option to toggle between grouping all columns together, or split by Outputs description and legend, in Table Node.- Web App: Added ability to drag and reorder Flows.
- Web App: New simulation status view with improved mobile experience.
- Web App: Overlay Builder now has an option for overlaying only Data Nodes.
: Will now automatically retry rare 'ConnectionResetError' object has no attribute '_initialize' error during PSCAD™ launch.PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Increased character limit for 'Outputs Description' field.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Removed requirement for specifying the API as part of selecting a non-default PSS®E version. Now, PSS®E version is the only one required.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Standalone folder PSS®E macro now automatically loads a SLD if there is a SLD available in the standalone folder.PSS®E Static
: Now raises a warning when requesting a value on a component which is out of service (previously raised error).Plot
now calculates using the average value of the last 10% of the data (to prevent inaccurate results with highly oscillatory signals).Plot
: Reviewed PDF and PNG line thicknesses (now more standardised look and feel between different number of subplots).Plot
: Size of sub-plot Commands' visual markers (circles, dashed lines etc) now scale with the size of the subplot.- Web App: Added undefined variable Flow checking on plot subtitle and Outputs description.
- Web App: Expanded maximum simulation time display on simulations view - was previously a maximum of
>1 day
. - Web App: Flow checker now clarifies that the stated line number(s) refer to the resolved view.
- Web App: Increased number of Argument overrides in Overlay Builder.
- Web App: Launching a simulation is now blocked if the selected Runs contain Scenario Variables, but no scenarios are selected.
- Web App: Overlay Builder now supports multiple meters - making it easier to benchmark firmware updates or multi-meter setups.
- Web App: Run-level simulations view now shows errors at the run-level, not just simulation-level.
: Fixed rare bug in Analysis Summary title fields caused by special characters not rendering correctly.- Engine: Engine now ensures temporary files in the Working folder are cleaned - removed 'Access denied' warning from simulation summary.
- Engine: Engine updater now updates last seen Engine version at the very end to prevent skipping configuration file updates after an update failure (such as lack of internet).
- Engine: Fixed permission error when opening the gridmo Engine Settings window (caused by write access being unnecessarily required for linked Python directories).
- Engine: Fixed rare bug where the Engine launches additional Tasks before existing cancelled Tasks are stopped.
: Build and Runtime messages from PSCAD™ were not outputted to the gridmo log file until after gridmo parsed the log for errors (making debugging unnecessarily harder).PSCAD™
: Fixed KeyError if slow pre-processing mode is enabled andVALSCALE=
Argument is present in anOUTPUT
: Fixed crash with no error when reloading case files due to clashing PSCAD™ viewports.PSS®E Dynamic
: Removed unnecessary limitation on simulation time step (maximum time step use to be 1 ms).PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Engine now raises a specific error if the selected PSS®E version requires a link to Python that is disabled.Plot
now returns negative values for negative overshoots (was previously0
: Fixed error in ADVBANDS where the Engine incorrectly believes there is no common data between signals with no common time steps.Plot
: Fixed error where a Plot Node has no main legend but one or more data legend (such as a Scatter Plot with only aDRAW_LINE
: Output plots (PDF and PNG) now show the colour of the shading in their legends - to match the interactive HTML plots.Plot
: Scatter Plot error if connected to a Table Node which has cells which are all empty.Plot
: Subplot-level legends now auto-scale with the subplot size (to prevent overlapping with the plot contents).Plot
: Data legends could display an excessive number of decimal places for some commands (such asADVOUTPUT
) - now displays a maximum of three decimal places on the Plot legend.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Fixed bug where aBUS=
Argument which does not exist in the Project would not raise an error, only a warning.- Web App: Fixed bug where the
button is not enabled until you click off the grid (inLoop Start
Nodes orAnalysis
Nodes). - Web App: Fixed issue where moving Overlay Builder can cause the Nodes inside the Overlay Builder to go outside the Overlay Builder Node boundary.
- Web App: Simulation launch window no longer resizes when you deselect all Runs options (to prevent annoying UI movement).
Release date: 25 February 2025
Fixed- Engine: Fixed uncommon
local variable 'C'
error occurring at end of a power system simulation, most commonly seen in PSSE Static or PSS®E Dynamic simulations.
Release date: 19 February 2025
ImprovementsPSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Increased PSS®E v34 and v36 launch timeout from 45 seconds to the Engine's timeout setting (defined in the Settings window).
Release date: 12 February 2025
FixedPSS®E Dynamic
command raising unexpected error "Unknown model type" for USRBUS type (BUS=
) and miscellaneous type (MINS=
) dynamic models.
Release date: 7 February 2025
NewPSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: PSS®E v34 and v36 now have a dedicated gridmo log file to help resolve PSS®E launch issues.
PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Improved connection reliability for PSS®E v34 and v36, increased the connection attempt retry count.
PSS®E Dynamic
Command raises no such model at bus 0 error, due to incorrectly searching for bus-type models prior to miscellaneous models when finding the existing value to calculate forRELVAL=
: Fixed Plot Node error if a PSCAD™ output block is disabled and this disabled output block matches anTITLE=
argument in anOUTPUT
commands with duplicateTITLE=
arguments occasionally not outputting the duplicate channel to a connected Plot Node.PSCAD™
: Fixed error when starting PSCAD™ task if an Excel file is open in the PSCAD™ model's inputs folder.
Release date: 3 February 2025
: Fixed 'ufunc' error ifCOUNT_EDGES
Command used withSTART_T=
argument when connected to aPSS®E Dynamic
Release date: 3 February 2025
New- Engine: Added validators to prevent negative values from being set in
Arguments. Plot
: New CommandCOUNT_EDGES
added for FRT retriggering detection.
PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Deprecatedvoltages.lower
Advanced Parameter, improved network model static voltage convergence checks (now uses the existing highest and lowest voltages, rather than fixed0.85
p.u. limits).
: If a PSCAD™ simulation is cached, the standalone folder is incorrectly a copy of the inputs folder, not the modified model (does not affect plot results, just standalone folders).PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Adjusted the default static solver reactive power limits from 'Apply at 99 iterations' to 'Apply immediately' to improve convergence performance for large network models.PSCAD™
: If 'slow' PSCAD™ output channel processing mode is selected (the default is 'fast') the PSCAD™ Node does not output any results (e.g. no channels appear in connected Plot Nodes).PSCAD™
: If 'Power systems software working files' was selected on the Launch prompt and a cached PSCAD™ result was available, the standalone folder would not contain all working files as requested, only the core standalone files are copied into the all-temp folder.Plot
: Rare error when making a combined PDF - if a simulation is cancelled, the Engine attempts to merge all generated plots - if any plot is partly saved or corrupted, the merge will fail, raising an error.
Release date: 23 January 2025
New- Engine and Web App: Simulations will output Plots, even if a connected power system simulation has failed. Missing pages will have a warning placeholder and the file name is appended with a warning symbol.
: Added newLOCATION=
Argument inOUTPUT
Command to allow distinguishing output channels located inside copies of the same module (e.g. multiple identical aggregated inverters).PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Added PSS®E v36 support - the same gridmo Commands and features are available in this new version.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Added multi-shot automated retry when launching PSS®E v34 and PSS®E v36.- Web App: Order of Global Variables and Scenario Variables can now be changed by dragging and dropping.
and Overlay Builder: Invalid characters inData
column names are automatically removed when loading the data (in both the Engine and the Overlay Builder).PSCAD™
: Improved error description when a PSCAD™ simulation is launched in direct (EMTDC™) mode, but the Engine Setup process has not been Run.PSS®E Dynamic
: Improved error description for PSS®E library add error.PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Removed ATLINE= Argument backwards warning as we've seen too many false positive warnings, especially under low SCR conditions.PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: TheQMIN=
Arguments are now optional in theCONTROL, GEN=, Q=VDIRECT
- Templates: Template Library table's sort order of 'Last updated' column now sorts chronologically, not alphabetically.
- Engine: Released new version of gridmo Updater (v1.2) - fixed different Windows version support between Engine installer and Updater installer.
- Engine: Wrong version of E006 data packaged with the gridmo Engine installer.
: Direct (EMTDC™) mode now disabled if the Workspace looks like a PNI-enabled Project, regardless of the Engine setting to Run simulation sets or not (to avoid a failing to launch PSCAD™ error).PSCAD™
: Fixed rare unbound local error when pre-processing PSCAD™ case files.PSCAD™
: Rare smiby config file creation error due to PSCAD™ returning different value types.PSCAD™
: Regression in PSCAD™ workspace PNI detection - fixed PSCAD™ libraries being incorrectly flagged as PSCAD™ cases, which was causing the Engine to flag the Workspace as PNI-enabled.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Standalone folder now automatically removes any temporary.out
file present when runing the script via PSS®E.PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
the controller does not check if the target bus is in service.PSS®E Static
: Removed 'Could not reset generator V target' warning (only expected to occur in very early versions of PSS®E34).Plot
: Log x-axis could rarely draw additional scientific notation labels on the x-axis in addition to the expected x-labels.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Now raises a warning if multiple buses with the same name are found.- Web App: PSS®E Static Node Command
incorrectly identifiedVALSCALE=
as an invalid Argument in Flow Checker.
Release date: 13 January 2025
NewPSS®E Static
Argument to theCONTROL
Command to allow the generator's initial dispatch values to be ignored - instead, the dispatch values are forced to be distributed equally amongst the controlled generators (weighted by their MVA bases). This can help multi-generator models benchmark with other software packages.
PSS®E Static
: Low SCR mode could interface with incorrect generator controller if there are multipleCONTROL, GEN=, Q=VDIRECT
controllers under limited circumstances.Plot
: Improved error description if the x-min or x-max range for a time series plot is left blank.Plot
: Improved the 'not enough data' error forGRADIENT
Command clearer (now includes x-axis range used in the calculation).
- Engine: Fixed error if there is no licence expiry date set.
- Engine: Fixed rare undefined process variable in the gridmo Engine Setup Wizard when setting up PSCAD™.
PSS®E Static
: Low SCR mode does not adhere to converged at limit Advanced Parameter (could lead to unexpected 'Low SCR mode - final check failure' errors).Plot
: Auto subplot y-axis scaling for frequency channels would fail to auto-scale if frequency settled in a small frequency range (approx 50.25 Hz).Plot
: The interactive HTML plot output renders with empty cells in incorrect locations and with incorrect sub-plot titles (PDF outputs are unaffected).Plot
Command prevents the plot from being generated if the calculation results in a single data point in the gradient result.Plot
: Out of memory errors when generating plot Outputs now trigger an automated retry.Plot
- incorrect 'no data in between BAND_START_T= and BAND_END_T=' warning if no identical x-values between plot channels.
Release date: 7 January 2025
: Excel (.xls and .xlsx) now supported - was previously just .csv.- Documentation: Interactive "Compare grid codes" page released.
- Documentation: New examples released for multi-merge for PSS®E network models, colour assignment on scatter plots and identifying SCR from site data.
- Documentation: WECC-Solar and smiby now have dedicated pages and download links.
- Engine: Engine now checks file paths exist in
Commands as part of pre-simulation launch validation. - Engine: Simulation summary now states if a cached result was used (and what simulation ID the result was taken from).
- Overlay builder: Automatic detection of events within the simulation window.
- Overlay builder: Outputs from the integrated Data Node now has expanded
Command creation capability. Plot
: Blank and duplicate filenames are now automatically managed and resolved as part of simulation processing.- Web App: Added organisation level roles (Admin and User) - all new gridmo users in your organisation default to User.
- Web App: Invalid Flows (such as cycles or missing end Run Nodes) are now included into Flow Checker.
- Web App: Organisation administrators can now delete users and Engines from your organisation.
- Web App: Organisation-wide Analytics view which includes total simulations launched and average simulation duration.
- Engine: Simplified Engine setup wizard for PSS®E34 (no longer requires Python 2.7 dependencies).
- Engine: Improved Engine updater launch, now automatically launches for manually-completed Engine updates.
: Simulation cache check speed now much faster.PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
Command now supports additional parameter styles (such as configuration files with square bracket titles).PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
Command cannot resolve allCONTROL
Commands, the simulation summary now includes details on what prevented the case from converging.PSS®E Static
: Improved low SCR mode algorithm - supports much lower SCR via automatic multi-stage solver.Plot
: Expanded from max 4 rows, 4 columns (16 subplots) to max 6 rows, 6 columns (36 subplots) per page.Plot
: Simulation ID now visible in plot debug text in the bottom right.- Web App: Added a visual indicator that there are Commands on a subplot.
- Web App: Redesign of Sticky Nodes - now resizable with configurable font size.
- Web App: Redesigned "Add Flow" popup to maximise space for the table of available templates, direct JSON upload now moved to dedicated button.
- Web App: Resolved view now allows Scenario Variable and Loop Variable selection.
- Web App: Simulation launched popup and simulation cancelled popup have been replaced with a snackbar.
: Time step of
raise a ParserError caused by the time step detection algorithm incorrectly parsing minutes as hours.- Engine: Tasks which become unresponsive are incorrectly set to error, rather than scheduling for retry.
PSS®E Dynamic
: Excessive Engine warnings if aPSS®E Dynamic
Node exports a channel into a playback generator of aPSS®E Dynamic
Node.PSS®E Dynamic
: Playback generator frequency has incorrect offset for Projects with 60 Hz base frequency.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Suppress "Recording terminated" console message (only present in some PSS®E versions).PSS®E Static
: Removed unnecessary setting of PSS®E's static solver parameterACCM
(Gauss-Seidel load bus acceleration factor) to the value of thesystem.convergence.mva
Advanced Parameter.PSS®E Static
: Fixed minimum acceptable ofsystem.convergence.mva
Advanced Parameter, was incorrectly 0.001, now 0.1.Plot
: Incorrect font was present on Interactive (HTML) plot Outputs on the x-axis and y-axis tick numbers.Plot
: Rarely, the left y-axis title could be cut off in scatter plots with large number of decimal places in y-axis tick labels.Plot
: Subtitle now automatically wraps to prevent clashing with logo(s) in top right of PDF and PNG plots, will wrap to a maximum of two lines.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Disabled low SCR mode by removing oflow.scr.mode
Advanced Parameter, as not yet fully supported.Table
: Filename validator is inconsistent between Plot and Table Nodes - Table Node now has the same acceptable characters as Plot Node.- Web App: Simulations which are greater than 1 week since launched are now automatically cancelled.
Release date: 16 December 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
Command to apply absolute or relative load scaling to all loads in a case.
time values are incorrectly referred to the source data, not the data after applying the x-axis shift from manual or automatic alignment.- Engine: Clashing text on licence key screen of Engine Setup Wizard when a successful validation occurs after a validation failure.
- Engine: Rare error where gridmo Engine Setup Wizard gets stuck on the Fortran Medic step.
- Engine: Rare simulations stuck due to a Task failing to start and being stuck in the Starting state.
PSS®E Dynamic
Command only worked in PSS®E Static studies, now expanded to PSS®E Dynamic studies.PSS®E Dynamic
: When using USRBUS models, theDYRMODEL=
name field was incorrectly case sensitive (PSS®E applies upper case to all loaded model names).- Web App: Syntax highlighting was missing for
Arguments in the PSS®E StaticSET
Release date: 27 November 2024
now available. Has similar functionality to thePlot
Node Command of the same name.PSCAD™
: Added new Argument for enabling/disabling an object in PSCAD™ using theSET
: Enabled direct (EMTDC™) launch mode for PSCAD™ v5.0.2.PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Now supports multiple playback types (voltage, frequency and angle) with automatic interpolation.PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Voltage, frequency and angle playback now supports playback via time series Internode Variable.- Templates: Released ElectraNet (South Australia)GPS template [AUS].
- Templates: Released NERC PRC-024-2 Generator frequency and voltage ride-through template [USA].
- Templates: Released New England ISO Model Acceptance Tests (PP5-6 Appendix C2) [USA].
- Templates: Released UK G99 studies template [UK].
- Web App: Added automatic detection of events to overlay builder.
- Web App: Can now delete users and Engines from your gridmo organisation.
- Web App: Mini-map in bottom right is now clickable to navigate to that part of the Flow.
- Web App: New right-click context menu option to delete the selected Node(s) and Edges.
: Improved error handling for analysis record where either the left and/or right side of the equation is blank.Data
: Improved error handling if the specified row index is not a valid integer.- Engine: Increased PowerFactory licence acquisition timer in setup wizard.
- Engine: New dynamic worker scaling algorithm released (faster to increase and decrease workers to maintain target CPU load).
- Engine:
Command improvements, specifically to support parameters with special characters such as[
. PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Improved error handling if the first bus specified in theLINE=
Argument for aVDISTURBANCE
Command cannot be found in the PowerFactory model.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Improved error handling if the specifiedGEN=
cannot be found in the PowerFactory model.PSCAD™
: Expanded valid character list forTITLE=
argument to better align with supported characters in PSCAD™.PSCAD™
now searches all loaded case files and all loaded library files (previously only searched case files).PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Suppressed recording terminated log message (only present in some PSS/E versions).- Web App: Overlay builder now allows duplicate file names, so the same file can be loaded multiple times and different areas selected.
- Web App: Overlay builder now shows the time (in seconds) since the start of the data on mouse-over.
- Web App: Removed default of 1 MW for Project rated active power, now needs to be specified prior to launching a simulation for a new Project.
- Web App: Renamed "Empty Handle" error when launching Tasks to something which explains better how to fix the error.
- Engine: Rare out-of-order completion of simulation Tasks.
PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Error if using SMIB to Network auto model merge feature and there are no swing buses present in the source (SMIB) model.PSS®E Static
: Auto-merge algorithm will now raise a more descriptive error if the specified source bus is a swing bus - as this is not supported.PSS®E Static
: Error if there are no swing buses present in the source (typically SMIB) model when auto-merging into a network model.PSCAD™
: No results generated if a workspace file has at least one library file and simulation sets present which are invalid (e.g. are copied or left-over from a previous PSCAD™ model) due to incorrectly triggering PNI-enabled simulation mode.Plot
: New plot Nodes now useAuto
rather thanAuto Tight
y-axis scaling modes for the second y-axis.- Web App: "Simulation failed" popup display in bottom of web-app rarely didn’t appear if the simulation fails processing.
- Web App: Deleting and adding a Node incorrectly leaves the Node configuration panel open.
- Web App: Flow checker incorrectly raised error on
) if math operations were present. - Web App: Overlay builder could display empty file name when loading from an export.
- Web App: Rare overlay builder crash when loading data with no values.
- Web App: Text cut off on detailed simulation status view if Scenario Variables are present.
- Web App: Web-app crash if an overlay builder is deleted (under some circumstances).
Release date: 13 November 2024
NewPowerFactory Dynamic
: Now supports unbalanced faults usingSIMPLEFAULT, TYPE=
: Equals signs now supported in table row data - previously raises a multiple equals sign error.
- Engine: Legacy API connection with PSS®E can remain open if a PSS®E Task fails and is automatically retried.
- Engine: Occasional 'NoSuchProcess' exception for Engines with very high worker count when closing PSCAD™.
- Engine: 'Unrecognised hex colour format' error caused by scatter plots incorrectly merging data from a
Node, where the underlying data source (e.g. PSCAD™) has multipleLEGEND=
Arguments. PSS®E Dynamic
: Angle changed via angle playback in 'Control Thévenin equivalent source' field can have an opposite sign if the Thévenin (slack) bus number is higher than the point of connection bus number.PSS®E Dynamic
: Silent error on usingSET, AT=, LOAD=
,SET, AT=, TX=
Commands on PSS®E network cases.PSS®E Dynamic
: Unexpected error if anADD, TYPE=
Command is used in a dynamic simulation whereAT=
is not specified.PSS®E Dynamic
: Warning on missingDYRMODEL=
is incorrectly case sensitive - can give false positive warnings.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Added check for PSS®E to Python redirect to support versions of PSS®E without redirect support (e.g. 34.9.0).Plot
: Subplot level legends from a linkedData
Node incorrectly use the last specifiedLEGEND=
Argument for all legends, rather than the one specified in theOUTPUT
Release date: 4 November 2024
: Scatter plots can now have sub-plot level legends.
PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Relaxed validation onLEGEND=
Argument, now supports spaces and special characters (other than,
: Released new version ofsmiby
block (v19
):- Fixed incorrect base value applied to positive/negative reactive current (IQ) and positive/negative active reactive current (ID), output channel unit is now consistent with total IQ and ID.
- Engine: Engine setup wizard shortcut no longer appears on desktop after installation.
Command ignoresRELVAL=
Arguments of otherCONTROL
Argument draws horizontal bands in incorrect location for a falling change (no impact on calculation results).
Release date: 31 October 2024
New- Web App: Begun staged rollout of multiplayer mode - includes version tracking capability and hosted gridmo Project files.
- Engine: Added PowerFactory interface to Engine settings configuration window.
- Engine: Added 'Shared' folder to the Engine settings configuration window.
for automatic calculation of Vref or PFref given a reactive power target. Often used when initialising PSCAD™ simulations without a PSS®E Static Node.PSCAD™
Commands with identicalTITLE=
Arguments but differentNAME=
Arguments now supported.PowerFactory Dynamic
Commands with identicalVAL=
Arguments but differentNAME=
Arguments now supported.PowerFactory Static
: Added a warning if the load Flow configuration is set to anything other than 20°C - as this may cause poor benchmarking with other software packages.- Web App: Added 'Low' priority simulation launch mode.
- Web App: Overlay builder data can now be shared between machines using a special file (which can be imported and exported).
- Web App: The tab of the Node that has a Flow Checker error now has an error icon - making it easier to find errors.
- Engine: Added click icon to Engine Simulation Summary and Analysis Summary.
- Engine: File path validation Task now handles Linux-style file paths.
- Engine: Renamed gridmo auto-generated Tasks (saving simulation JSON etc) in Engine simulation summary.
: Added 'does not have a definition' error to trigger an automatic retry (to handle rare OEM models missing definitions after being auto-reloaded in PSCAD™ 5.0.2).PSCAD™
: PSCAD™ firewall popup suppression improved - fewer firewall popups should now appear when running simulations with PSCAD™ Nodes.PSCAD™
: Speed improvements to PSCAD™ simulations and post processing.PSCAD™
: Released new version ofsmiby
block:- Changed to integer version number - this release is
. - Added positive, negative and zero sequence voltage and current output channels.
- Fixed incorrect unit conversion on positive/negative reactive current (IQ) and positive/negative active reactive current (ID) output channels (was radians, should have been degrees).
- Low SCR initialisation mode now on by default for new
blocks added to a workspace. - Added large resistances to prevent rare singularity error on
Commands. - Pre-insertion resistance setting (for
) and distance factor setting (for all faults) was greyed out unless faults were enabled - now always available. - Replaced non-linear pre-insertion resistance mode (for
) with automatic snubber circuit which auto-calculates impedances required to achieve critical damping (based on the SCR), with a non-linear resistance ramp-out to prevent benchmarking mismatch during the disturbance. - Fixed inductive kickback experienced on some models with transmission line blocks (caused by
CB opening at any current incorrectly set to true, rather than a zero crossing).
- Changed to integer version number - this release is
PSS®E Static
support to PSS®E Static'sOUTPUT
Command.PowerFactory Static
andPSS®E Static
: Reduced excessive warnings when running static simulations and where a generator has hit a P or Q limiter - now a single warning is provided.PowerFactory Static
andPSS®E Static
: Reduced sensitivity of the "Detected potential ATLINE= Argument is backwards" warning.PowerFactory Static
support to PowerFactory Static'sOUTPUT
Command.PowerFactory Static
: Now forces all new temporary line types which are auto-created (if the Zth branch is a line type) to have a maximum operating temperature 20°C.Table
: Configuration of a Table Node can now be imported and exported in CSV format.Table
: Standardised table column naming to be the same between single and multiple Internode Variable matches (was previously different).- Web App: Added additional filtering options to simulations view.
- Web App: Engine Task scheduler now prioritises smaller Runs over longer Runs - helping you get plot results faster when running large simulations.
- Web App: Expanded display of Plot Nodes in 'Apply subplot changes' dialogue - is now easier to identify which Plot Node is which.
- Web App: Overlay builder now automatically ignores completely empty columns in the loaded CSV data.
- Web App: Overlay builder now has zoom functionality (click and drag left-right to zoom in, magnifying glass to zoom out).
- Web App: Simulation status view now includes as drop-down section to see simulation progress on a per-Run level.
- Web App: Speed improvements to gridmo server simulation launch, simulation cancel and Task request functions.
- Documentation: Fixed a few small typos in the example Commands provided in the 'Reference' section of the docs.
- Engine: Engine's Simulation Summary output file did not correctly override previous failed Tasks which successfully retried.
: smiby configuration files are created in the incorrect place if the PSCAD™ case file is inside a sub-directory compared to the location of the PSCAD™ workspace file.PSS®E Static
: If case file is modified to set impedances to Ohms mode, rather than per-unit mode, the Engine does not force it back to per-unit mode before setting impedances for SCR and XR changes.Plot
Command when usingSHADE_xxx=YES
would not shade to infinity, would only shade a single unit in that direction.Plot
: Plot colour format error when a Plot Node is after a Loop:End Node and the Nodes within the loop do not have different descriptions per loop.Plot
: Plot error whenADVBANDS
used and no transient events are specified (e.g. noTAT=
arguments are present).PowerFactory Dynamic
: Fixed error if a dynamic simulation has both Vthev playback and either aSIMPLEFAULT
Command.PowerFactory Dynamic
: When using frequency playback, the voltage playback model added by gridmo was using an incorrect reference bus voltage (was 1.00 pu, should have been the voltage at the start of the dynamic simulation) which could cause benchmarking issues.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Fail to import Project error if a PowerFactory Project does not have an active study case when exported for use in gridmo.- Web App: Deleting Nodes on the Flow when the "Define subplots" tab of the Plot Node open can sometimes accidentally delete subplots.
- Web App: Fixed placeholder text in Plot Node's subplot configuration window not matching current gridmo templates.
- Web App: Fixed timing bug where a simulation could be cancelled while still processing, resulting in out-of-order simulation Tasks.
- Web App: If changes made in a Node panel, then the file is downloaded with the Node panel still open, changes are saved even if 'Discard changes' was selected.
- Web App: Pressing 'delete' when having the subplot configuration window open would result in a web-app error.
- Web App: Undo snack bar incorrectly reported an undo action occurred when switching Flows.
- Web App: Variable selector could (rarely) jump to the first index in the dropdown list.
Release date: 15 October 2024
NewPowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Can now benchmark between multiple versions of PowerFactory on the same Engine (for example PowerFactory 2023 vs PowerFactory 2024 on a single Plot from a single Engine).
- Engine: PSS®E34 Engine setup improvements. Improved detection of existing Python 2.7 installations, added missing refresh button on Python 2.7 detection page and fixed popup which had no text in the message box, was incorrectly only in the title.
- Engine: Removed RAM load check from dynamic worker control (was causing dynamic workers to lower unnecessarily due to Windows SuperFetch).
- Engine: Working folder now defaults to same location as installed Engine, no longer requires specification by the user.
PowerFactory Dynamic
over-voltage Command and voltage playback used together due to PowerFactory load flow result before initial reference bus voltages were read.PSS®E Dynamic
logic - fixed unstable network responses caused by islanded buses not being reclosed despiteAR_FINALSTATE=IN
(lines were being reclosed, but buses at both ends of the line were assumed to still be in service).PSS®E Static
Advanced Parameter was disabled in error as part of previous patch version, fixed logic, swing buses now back to previous functionality (swing buses are ignored for voltage check by default).
Release date: 11 October 2024
NewPSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: AddedPMAX=
setting Arguments toSET
Command to draw a line on a subplot with optional styling and shading.Plot
Argument to all error band Commands andSETTLE_T
to allow error bands to be displayed on a subset of the channel time.
- Engine: Increase worker launch speed, reduced file size and reduced the time it takes for the Engine to launch.
: Temporary folders are now deleted/cleaned prior to launching a PSCAD™ simulation - to minimise potential errors on retrying PSCAD™ simulations.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Now more robust under PSS®E model instability (e.g. NaN values in PSS®E .out files or NaN values in system mismatch values).PSS®E Static
: Static solver convergence speed increased, biggest change should be on very large PSS®E models.
: PSCAD™ v4 could incorrectly appear in the Engine's setup wizard dropdown box, despite not being supported.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Robosolve version check was only incorrectly checking PSS®E v35, not PSS®E v34 as intended.Plot
: Error band bounds (border lines) were still appearing on output plots, even when set to COLOR=white.
Release date: 3 October 2024
Command now supportsLEGEND=
Argument.PSS®E Dynamic
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Added new power system simulation warning if aSIMPLEFAULT
calculates an impedance which is negative due to very low SCR or residual voltage very close to Vth.PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Standardised minimum simulation time to 0.1 seconds.PSS®E Dynamic
now supported forOUTPUT, GEN=, VAL=ANGLE
Commands (e.g. rotor angle).
- Engine:
Arguments are no longer automatically capitalised. PSCAD™
: Rare issue where PSCAD™/EMTDC™ data has corrupted values resulting in extremely large simulation summary file size.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Standalone folder macro raises error on saving converged case.PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: Duplicate call to static solver initialisation causing duplicate rows in standalone folder output scripts.PSS®E Static
: Converged case file not included in standalone folder.PSS®E Static
: Static solving Engine tries to use robust solution, even in PSS®E versions which don’t support it (v34.2 or older).Plot
: Series of errors if a plot is in manual x axis, with auto smart scaling on the y axis and there are no data points at all in the area to render.Plot
: TypeError whenSTART_T=
is less thanEND_T=
Release date: 2 October 2024
: The colour specified in Engine settingcolors.plot.grid
('Grid colour:' in settings page) no longer appears on the output plots, always defaults to light grey.
Release date: 1 October 2024
New- Engine: Added third desktop shortcut to the Engine's setup wizard as part of he Engine installer.
- Engine: New Engine task is launched at the very beginning of all simulations which checks all file paths in all Nodes - helping simulations with errors fail early and fail fast.
: Added image (PNG) file type output option.Plot
: Added newOP=DELTA
argument toADVOUTPUT
: Added portrait orientation option.Plot
is now optional forOUTPUT
Command. IfAT
is not provided, the outputted value will default to the end of data channel.Plot
is now optional forSETTLE_T
Commands. IfEND_T
is not provided,END_T=
will default to the time at the end of the data channel.Plot
: Horizontal axis (x-axis) can now be logarithmic.Plot
now support percent within bands export.Plot
: Secondary (right) y-axis now supports gridmo auto-scale.Table
: Major updates, added new table-style display, columns can be dragged to rearrange, etc.- Web App: Added organisation level functionality, new users in your organisation can be added by your administrator and Engines are now shared within your org.
- Web App: Apply subplot changes popup window now displays plot title and plot subtitle in the configuration pane.
- Web App: Internode Variables now auto-complete when the
key is pressed via a new dropdown. - Web App: Released Flow Checker.
- Web App: Released Overlay Builder.
- Web App: Resolved view resolves and checks for Internode Variables.
- Web App: Status of your Engine is now displayed in the web-app.
- Web App: Unsaved changes pop-up now appears if you try to close a tab (before the tab is closed).
- Templates: Added Powerlink inverter based renewable plant GPS study requirements template.
: Released GIFs to show gridmo's calculation methodology for settling time, rise time and recovery time in the Plot Node docs.Analysis
: No longer raises an error on missing Internode Variables, now raises a warning instead.Analysis
: Updated Analysis Node output template, now a single page with enhanced filtering options.- Engine: Reduced maximum licence re-check time if lost internet connection (so Engines reconnect quicker if internet connection drops out).
: Plot-step is now automatically reduced if simulation length is 200 seconds or more - to prevent excessive temporary file generation and reduce memory usage when plotting.Plot
Command now supportsDISPLAY=
Argument (and has new cleaner legends and visual display).Plot
: Interactive HTML plots now have compression to reduce their file size.Plot
: The colour of rise, settle, recovery and commencement bands now align with the interactive HTML plots (were previously different).- Templates: Added synchronous generator test suite to Western Power GPS template.
- Templates and
minimum access standard changed from +2%/-2% to +0%/-0% bands as per AEMC ERC0272. - Templates and
appearance updated to align with style of other plots generated by gridmo. - Web App: Simplified subplot configuration pop-up (second axis hidden by default, manual y-axis values only appears if manual selected).
: Unexpected errors if a connected Node exportsNaN
(which indicates a failed calculation, such as a channel not settling).- Engine: Simulation and Analysis summary incorrectly displayed the Plot's title, rather than the Plot Node's title.
- Engine: Simulation and Analysis summary would display duplicate results when the column's headers were clicked.
PSS®E Dynamic
,PowerFactory Dynamic
: Playback data validator error is unclear if an invalid number is detected.PSCAD™
: Changes usingSET, CIID=
to an object within a linked library is applied, but not saved into the PSCAD™ standalone folder copy of the project.Plot
subplot Command reported the final high channel value, rather than the first low channel value (off-by-one error).Plot
argument is no longer mandatory forEDGE
: If an Internode Variable is present in aPlot
Node's subplot Commands field, other than after anAT=
Argument, a validation error is raised.Plot
: Interactive (HTML) plots no longer always display, instead they will match between the PDF and HTML plots for consistency.Plot
: Recovery time calculation can report immediate recovery if active power is initially negative (such as BESS charging scenarios).Plot
: Scatter plotGRADIENT
Command's auto horizontal line section detection can occasionally - incorrectly - calculate the gradient of the horizontal line segment which should have been ignored.Plot
: Scatter plotGRADIENT
Command's exported Internode Variable value (e.g. ifNAME=i_gradient
, where{{i_gradient}}
was used) did not apply the specifiedINVERT=
: Scatter plot subtitles were not displayed in PDF output plots.Plot
Commands incorrectly filter the data to only the displayed x-axis range, rather than use all available data.Plot
Argument plotted horizontal lines with an incorrect vertical offset.Plot
Command had part of the green (AAS) area overlap the grey (MAS) area.Plot
Commands did not apply correctly if there were a small number of points on the scatter plot.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Internode variables can be included in output data which were not recorded (e.g. a LVRT signal for an in service, but islanded, solar farm) causing errors in connected Nodes.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Relative voltage playback uses the wrong initial/reference voltage if the AC source uses an external load flow voltage controller.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Models with lines connected as part of PowerFactory substations could not be auto-identified.- Web App: Control+Enter shortcut stopped working on the Launch pop-up.
- Web App: Error caused by launching a simulation with a
Loop Start
Node which has no loops selected. - Web App: Internode Variables were incorrectly displayed as all lower case, despite being case sensitive.
- Web App: Project title description's hint text did not align with gridmo's best practices page.
- Web App: Simulation status snackbars overlap with the Flow configuration buttons.
- Web App: Small fixes to web-app syntax highlighting (e.g. STATE= Argument was not highlighted).
- Web App: Undo did not function in the web-app data grids (Global/Scenario Variables etc).
Release date: 3 September 2024
: Improved handling ofNaN
values in PSCAD™ output files - the entire row was previously removed if anyNaN
values were present which could cause plots to appear empty.
Release date: 2 September 2024
: Added support for ENI/PNI projects (multiple PSCAD™ case files connected via transmission lines), added new engine setting to enable this mode.
Release date: 19 August 2024
FixedPSS®E Static
: Fixed issue in calculation methodology for PSS®EOUTPUT, VAL=TAPRATIO
Command to ensure it uses the ratio of the highest voltage winding only with the assumption that tap changers are on the HV winding.PSS®E Dynamic
: Fixed issue in SIMPLEFAULT, MULTIFAULT and VDISTURBANCE where the X/R ratio of the disturbance was not correctly chosen. The default X/R ratio of the fault was that of the Thevenin equivalent source impedance, rather than 3.PSS®E Dynamic
: Fixed issue inADVFAULT
was required in p.u. on Zbase, but the docs states that it was required in ohms. Command has been aligned with docs.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Fixed issue in SIMPLEFAULT and VDISTURBANCE where the X/R ratio of the disturbance was not correctly chosen. The default X/R ratio of the fault was that of the Thevenin equivalent source impedance, rather than 3.
PSS®E Static
: ExpandedSET, TX=, STATUS=
to now support direct control of the tap position in PSS®E.PSS®E Dynamic
Command to includeTYPE=
for different fault types.
Release date: 10 August 2024
ImprovementsPSS®E Dynamic
: ExpandedOUTPUT, GEN=
Command to include all machine array channels.
Release date: 2 August 2024
NewPSS®E Static
now supports direct control of bus type code in PSS®E (e.g.STATUS=2
means set the bus to a generator type).
- Engine: Improved warning text on Engine's 'Errors & Warnings' view to better explain the cause of a retryable error.
- Engine: A Task which fails due to a retryable error does not create a standalone folder, though one should be made.
Release date: 1 August 2024
Fixed- Engine: Simulation summary does not display task status if scenario variables are used and scenario 1 is not present in the simulation, scenario variable filter (top left) occasionally does not render in numerical order and the Saving Simulation JSON task does not appear if scenarios are active.
Release date: 31 July 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
: Added Vref and Gref output channel support usingVAL=Vref
.- Templates: Released National Grid ESO System Oscillation (PSCAD™) study template.
- Web App and Documentation: Added gridmo Command syntax highlighting throughout the web-app and docs.
- Web App: Added resolved view - you can now see the variables and the find-replace view at the same time.
- Web App: Global Variables table now has syntax highlighting and support icons/links (expand view, docs link etc).
- Web App: The Global Variables used in gridmo templates are now reserved (cannot be changed) to prevent accidental delete/change errors.
: Automatically removes rows and columns which are completely empty from.csv
data.- Documentation: Updated order of Arguments for all Commands to better match templates and general use cases.
- Engine: New simulation summary page, with easier filtering to identify warnings and errors in your simulations quicker.
PSS®E Static
: Console printing of a branch no longer being a non-zero impedance line is now suppressed.PSS®E Static
: Revised calculation methodology for PSS®EOUTPUT, VAL=TAPRATIO
- now uses the ratio of the highest voltage winding only with the assumption that tap changers are on the HV winding.- Templates: Released new Global Variable descriptions and default order - now easier to understand.
- Templates: Updates to example WECC-SOLAR PV model to align with revised template descriptions.
- Web App: Added 'view' button into bottom right simulation status display.
- Web App: Added loading screen while uploading Projects.
- Web App: Increased maximum length of data Node's relative file path field.
- Web App: Simplified log options under 'Advanced' tab in simulation launch popup.
- Engine: Cancelled Tasks are set to an error state in the simulation summary file, but no info is provided to hint that they were cancelled Tasks.
- Engine: Changelog URLs in Engine Updater are incorrect.
: Comments in PSCAD™ grid control field (voltage, frequency or angle playback) raise unexpected invalid content error.PSCAD™
: Component ID search (CIID=
) does not search libraries inside a PSCAD™ workspace, only case files.PSCAD™
: Simulation can end one plot step too early (e.g. at 34.999 rather than 35 seconds) which causes unnecessary warnings in connectedPlot
Nodes.PSS®E Dynamic
: Duplicate time-step values created when simulation pauses to apply a gridmo Command, or clear a power system fault - the duplicates are now automatically removed.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: PSS®E standalone folder scripts were suppressing all PSS®E log content after running, is now reset to log to GUI console.PSS®E Static
: PSS®E auto-merge of SMIB into network model only checks the source (network) model for an available bus number, now checks both models for a unique number.PowerFactory Dynamic
Commands for channel (e.g. voltage, active/reactive power etc) does not display an error if the specified BUS= or GEN= is not present in the model.PowerFactory Static
: gridmo no longer overrides a generator's static voltage controller and static angle controller if a CONTROL, GEN= Command is not present in the Actions for this Node.- Web App: Advanced Parameter distance factor unexpectedly set to 1.0 regardless of web-app setting.
- Web App: Global Variable names can incorrectly have multiple lines.
- Web App: Global Variables or Scenario Variables with blank/empty names can be uploaded using Excel CSV import.
- Web App: 'New value' is the default value for a new Scenario Variable, where it should be blank.
- Web App: Node search requires a page refresh after switching Flows before finding new results.
- Web App: Rare web-app crash when editing subplots (under limited scenarios).
- Web App: Simulations can fail to launch correctly if a double quote is present in a PSCAD™ Commands field.
Release date: 24 July 2024
command incorrectly states an immediate recovery if the initial value is negative, with a positive step change.Plot
: Fixed inconsistency where an Engine option was not showing text in the.html
plot output - but it was appearing in the.pdf
plot output file.
Release date: 11 July 2024
FixedPSS®E Dynamic
raise an unexpected validation error when a relative change is specified (e.g.VREF=+0.03 p.u.
Release date: 10 July 2024
FixedPSS®E Dynamic
relative change commands do not pass the correct bus reference to PSS®E, do not applyVALSCALE=
when provided and raise an unexpected error ifp.u.
is specified in all capitals.
Release date: 8 July 2024
which creates an error band based on the relative change in a single, with an optional scaling factor.
Release date: 5 July 2024
Fixed- Engine: Fixed validation error being raised when using very small or large numbers for
Release date: 22 June 2024
FixedPSS®E Static
: Case converged check does not re-check model convergence after robust solution solve - but will only check after next non-robust solution check.PSS®E Static
Advanced Parameter incorrectly has a maximum limit of5
Release date: 20 June 2024
New- Documentation: Released examples for initializing PSCAD™ from static simulations, advanced network faults and benchmarking models with real-world data.
- Engine and Web App: Detects common intermittent errors and automatically reschedules the failed Task to retry.
PSS®E Static
and Web App: Expanded network model reference to support model exported by a connected PSS®E Static Node (allowing multi-SMIB merge support).- Web App: Global Variables can now contain Scenario Variables, Global Variables can now contain other Global Variables and Scenario Variables can now contain other Scenario Variables (but cyclical references are not supported and will be raised as an error).
- Web App: Scenario Variables which are identical are now automatically converted to Global Variables.
PSS®E Dynamic
to enable simulation of (fictitious) time-synchronised auto-reclose timers.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Added a warning if multiple potential Thévenin equivalent sources are detected (which means faults or voltage playback may not work as expected).- Web App: Added validation checks to ensure that variable names are unique across Global Variables and Scenario Variables.
- Web App: An enable/disable column is now exported by default for all Loop Variable
exports. - Web App: Global Variables now support multiple lines.
- Web App: Moved "Run only first iteration of each loop" check-button out of the "Advanced" section in the "Launch a Simulation" popup.
- Web App: Scenario Variable table now has a drop-down selectable number of Scenario Variables, rather than showing all by default.
- Web App: Switching between Node configuration windows now selects the same tab by default.
- Web App: When exporting to
, all rows are now exported from a Start Loop Node, regardless if a subset is selected.
PSS®E Static
: When network merge is enabled, source network case file is not automatically added into the standalone folder.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Rarely, multiplegridmo Results
objects can be created.- Web App: Fixed 'already signed in user' error when signing in.
- Web App: Fixed rare 'An unknown error has occurred' bug on signing in.
- Web App: Percentage complete of extremely large simulations can report 100% complete (but they are not yet complete).
- Web App: Simulations no longer get stuck in
state if an unexpected error is encountered while processing. - Web App: Simulations no longer raise an error when switching from a very large flow to a small one (where the project file itself is very large).
- Web App: Start Node incorrectly had an icon implying it has a Node configuration window (but it doesn’t).
- Web App: Fixed issue where users couldn't switch between Flows in large project files.
Release date: 29 May 2024
New- Documentation: Restructure and redesign of
- Templates: New template released - WEM GPS (PowerFactory and PSCAD™).
- Web App: New user interface with clearer Node panels, more Flow space, fewer tabs and standardised look and feel throughout the app.
- Engine: Added local launch buffer to improve PowerFactory simulation launch speed.
- Engine: Required Python 2.7 dependencies now packaged with Engine for PSS®E v34 support.
- Engine: Standalone zip folder name and gridmo log files now include additional information on the source Node and source Run to assist debugging.
: Added option to allow PSCAD™ workspace pre-processing to be skipped (to support some OEM models).PSS®E Dynamic
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Improved validation and error description for invalid playback (V / F / angle) instructions.
PowerFactory Dynamic
do not apply the desired event in PowerFactory 2023 (though do appear in the standalone folder.pfd
) - added parameter event pre-allocation.PowerFactory Dynamic
: gridmo V/F playback dynamic model is
format, not.pfd
format and is not backward compatible with PowerFactory 2023.Table
: Output file can be created even if no filename specified.- Web App: Old very large Node IDs are now mapped to smaller values to avoid overlapping text on output plots.
- Web App: Start Nodes have unexpected Node panels appearing if double clicking.
Release date: 21 May 2024
NewPowerFactory Dynamic
: AddedRELVAL=
support forCONTROL
Command.PowerFactory Dynamic
: AddedVAL=IQ
Command.PowerFactory Dynamic
support for both under and over voltages.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Added genericOUTPUT
channel recording support (such as LVRT/HVRT signals etc).PowerFactory Dynamic
Command now supports pre-initialisation withAT=-1
.PowerFactory Dynamic
: RenamedMODEL=
to better align with PowerFactory definitions.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Two and three winding transformers now supported forOUTPUT
Commands.PowerFactory Static
to allow gridmo to control load Flow controllers or similar objects.
andPowerFactory Dynamic
now supports non-numeric parameter settings (as per the documentation).PowerFactory Dynamic
: Improved angle benchmarking between PowerFactory and other packages (PowerFactory angle now regulated to reference bus by default).PowerFactory Dynamic
Argument raises unexpected validation error forOUTPUT
Commands.PowerFactory Dynamic
is not processed forOUTPUT, BUS=
Release date: 19 May 2024
: Engine setup wizard does not store direct (EMTDC™) launch configuration details if any PSCAD™ Fortran compiler fails to launch - rather than disabling only the failed compiler configuration.
Release date: 13 May 2024
: smiby's automatic infinite bus voltage not used to bias relative voltage steps.PSCAD™
: smiby's automatic infinite bus voltage mode incorrectly applies a fixed ramp rate to all subsequent voltage changes in a simulation.
Release date: 10 May 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
: Added new ArgumentAR_CLOSE_ONE_END
Command. The default auto-reclose performance ofADVFAULT
now simulates dead-line auto-reclose blocking (which is common on many transmission reclose schemes) to improve alignment to real-world fault events. Previous performance can be selected usingAR_CLOSE_ONE_END=NO
PSS®E Dynamic
Command incorrectly raises an error ifAR_RETRIES=1
.PSS®E Dynamic
Command incorrectly switches the second line section out if the line trip timers overlap (during a auto-reclose attempt with the fault still present).PSS®E Dynamic
: The faulted line after anADVFAULT
Command is always out of service at the end of the fault and reclose sequence, even ifAR_FINALSTATE=IN
Argument is specified.- Web App: Fixed unnecessary duplication of data in file storage causing JSONs to be larger than required.
- Web App: Fixed Analysis Node table issue where "Name" column was not editable when selected.
- Web App: Fixed issue where Loop: Start Node inserted a trailing newline when the user pressed 'Enter' to go to the next line.
Release date: 7 May 2024
New- Web App: JSON files can now support multiple Flows within a single project.
- Web App: Loop Variables can now support multiple lines.
- Engine: Example CSV data now provided with the Engine installer for future gridmo example files.
- Engine: New gridmo Engine updater icon added.
: smiby block now has automatic infinite bus voltage calculation capability.PSS®E Static
andPowerFactory Static
: New Advanced Parametervoltages.tolerance
to allow independent control from MVA targets for all static simulations.
- Engine: Setup wizard now ignores all FortranMedic versions which are not PSCAD™ v5 and has improved error handling in case it does not launch correctly.
- Engine: Simplified Engine setup process by combining licence key and connectivity checks into one step.
: Direct (EMTDC™) launch mode is now disabled by default, but still set up during the Engine setup process.PSCAD™
: Output file search improved to better handle PSCAD™ installations which do not correctly report the EMTDC™ temporary directory to the Engine.PSCAD™
Command improved, now checks all matches and only tries to apply to PSCAD™ objects which match both the name and the parameter.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
Command now supports multipleGEN=
Arguments.PowerFactory Dynamic
Command improvements to handle multipleMODEL=
Argument results and only apply if a matching parameter is found.PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
: Expanded error handling for PowerFactory error codes due to missing licence, or too many windows open.- Templates: Added Related Templates references to templates in the template library.
- Web App: Title of web-app tab now lists the name of the currently opened Project.
: Analysis summary doesn't appear for any Analysis Nodes which have blank titles.Data
: Error raised if time series channel not auto-detected by the Engine.- Engine: In the setup wizard, the Engine ID box and instructions are not hidden as expected when pressing the retry button.
: Output file conversion can fail to convert a single channel from EMTDC™ into gridmo's standard format due to an off-by-one error.PSCAD™
: Output file reader now supports PSCAD™ Project description (which is added as a header to the output files made by EMTDC™).PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Automated island disconnection can raise an unexpected error based on PSS®E's response code.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: If PSS®E legacy connection timeout is changed in the Engine settings window and settings are applied without restarting, PSS®E legacy launch mode does not start correctly.Plot
: Scatter plots can raise a rare Unbound Local error if a customer logo is specified.PowerFactory Dynamic
Command not adding output channel as expected.PowerFactory Dynamic
: Removed default text placed in description field of all dynamic simulations.PowerFactory Dynamic
argument not being applied in PowerFactoryCONTROL
Commands.- Templates: Some sticky notes have NOTE: appended before TEMPLATE: in some templates.
- Web App: If a Node window is open with unsaved changes, a warning for unsaved changes when you download a Flow is not displayed.
- Web App: Variable auto-complete functionality doesn't exist on any text fields in Analysis Nodes.
- Web App: When you are copying and pasting Loop variables, the Node copy and paste is not suppressed.
Release date: 2 May 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
support for miscellaneous (other) type PSS®E dynamic models using newMINS=
Release date: 17 April 2024
Fixed- Web App: Fixed issue causing blurry text on some monitor resolutions.
Release date: 15 April 2024
New- Web App and Engine: Released
PowerFactory Static
andPowerFactory Dynamic
Nodes and associated documentation. - Web App: New button added which can apply subplot changes across multiple Plot Nodes within a Flow.
- Templates: New template library, with dedicated search, setup instructions, assumptions, sources and template-level changelog.
: Added commencement time as a sub-plot level calculation using the CommandCOMMENCEMENT_T
: Expanded PSCAD™ model low-SCR initialisation mode options. New modes include infinite bus voltage ramps, and infinite bus voltage and SCR ramps.- Templates: Public release of AEMO typical Chapter 5 NER GPS template.
- Templates: Public release of ERCOT DWG dynamic Model Quality Tests (MQT) v20.
- Templates: Public release of Australia Essential Energy
<5 MW typical dynamic network studies requirements
. - Templates: Public release of Australia Powercor
Sub 5 MW GPS Guideline
. - Templates: Public release of Fingrid
Modelling instruction for PSS/E and PSCAD™ models
. - Templates: Public release of Australia AusNet Services 1.5MW to 5MW System Study Requirements.
- Templates: Released new combined Table 22 and Full AEMO DMAT template (which replaces older separate templates).
- Templates: Standardised layout and structure of all gridmo templates, finished implementing new standardised sticky Node arrangement.
- Engine: Added Engine version reporting into gridmo worker log file.
- Engine: Prevented multiple message boxes from being opened when trying to close the Engine settings window.
PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Extended default timeout from 120 to 240 seconds for legacy PSS®E v34 connection mode.Plot
: Added new Engine setting to allow top-right gridmo logo to be toggled off.Plot
: Changed to new powered by gridmo logo on plots and added powered by gridmo to bottom right of plots.- Web App: Improved error message when accidentally uploading a Scenario Variables CSV to the Global Variables table, or vice-versa.
- Engine: Rare Engine thread crash issue (added better error handling to display this state).
- Engine: ValueError '' not in list caused by a
PSS®E Static
Node being connected to aTable
Node which is then plotted in scatterPlot
Node. - Engine: Settings window can be very slow when opened.
- Engine: Setup wizard can fail with a FileNotFound error is PSCAD™ setup only completed.
PSS®E Static
: Convergence target oflow.scr.mode
is too large by default, resulting in some SCR misalignment under extremely low SCR.- Web App: Rarely, when re-arranging sub-plots, some sub-plots can be stacked on-top of each other if moving multiple sub-plots.
- Web App: Stopped undo snapshots from being from being created when clicking or double clicking on Nodes.
: Analysis Outputs could occassionally render with the incorrect font if the Engine's preferred font was unavailable.
Release date: 8 April 2024
: Added initial support for x-axis of plots to be logarithmic, rather than linear (will be added to Web App in a future release).
Release date: 24 March 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
: Added new Engine setting for user configuration of the timeout setting for PSS®E v34 legacy connection mode, default value remains unchanged and is suitable for most users.
Release date: 22 March 2024
and Web App: Rarely, some sub-plots don't render in the PDF output files, or do render but appear in the top-left of the Plot output, which doesn't align with the location specified in the Node configuration window.
Release date: 20 March 2024
New- Engine:
output is now displayed on the Plotly HTML Outputs. - Engine: Added close and discard changes button to Engine's settings window.
- Engine: Added support for Australian NEM's CONL parameters using new Advanced Parameter
. - Templates: New template added - Australia Essential Energy
<5 MW typical dynamic network studies requirements
- now available to gridmo customers. - Templates: New template added - Australia Powercor
Sub 5 MW GPS Guideline
- now available to gridmo customers. - Templates: New template added - Fingrid
Modelling instruction for PSS/E and PSCAD™ models
- now available to gridmo customers. - Web App: Added an auto-complete style dropdown to select Global, Scenario and Loop Variables when you type $.
- Web App: Added new shortcuts, Control+E to enable a Node, Control+D to disable a Node, Control+S for saving the Flow (same as pressing the download Project button).
- Web App: Added the ability to copy and paste sub-plots between subplot Nodes.
- Web App: Added undo and redo buttons and shortcuts (Control+Z and Control+Y).
- Web App: Flow viewport now auto-scrolls to the Node you have selected, including when searching.
- Web App: Added
Select all Nodes of this type
to Flow right-click menu. - Web App: Add Node menu now stays open to allow you to add multiple Nodes at a time.
- Web App: Released gridmo uptime monitoring and status page, added status indicator to bottom of web-app.
- Web App: Validation of Node configuration fields added.
- Documentation: Clarified in the Data Node documentation that auto-align should be completed on the channel with the biggest change(s).
- Engine: Now provides status message updates when gridmo Engine updating with a large number of cache records to check.
PSS®E Dynamic
: Standardised power factor definition, added extra handling for indeterminate cases (0/0) and updated smiby block with new power factor logic.- Templates: AEMO DMAT improvements - added a note saying a 300 second Run is required for tests 0.1-0.3 prior to submission, shortened plot subtitles to avoid clashing with customer logos.
- Templates: AEMO GPS improvements - fixed missing Internode Variable
error, added S5.2.5.1 constrained capability Start Node, corrected some minor typos, split start Nodes into SMIB and Network sections, corrected plot title of S5.2.5.7 (said S5.2.5.14), upgraded to new sticky Node structure for comments. - Templates: Model setup template improvements - added a fault and analysis Node to check for correct FRT/PPC freeze flag performance.
- Web App: Global and Scenario Variable export files now have the variable type as a prefix, to make them easier to find.
- Documentation: Advanced Parameter
was not added to the docs when released. - Engine and
PSS®E Static
: PSS®E 34 API timeout error only raises on launching of the legacy connection mode, not ongoing. - Engine and
PSS®E Static
: Reset the minimum acceptable limit back to 50 formax_iter
Advanced Parameter, default remains at 500. - Engine: Error caused by running first loops with a scatter plot with a
Command. - Engine: Rare duplicate Argument warning when Arguments don't appear to be duplicate, due to duplicates of other Argument values within the Command.
PSS®E Dynamic
: and Web App: Grey descriptive text reworded to hint that a directory can be passed to load all dyre files in a directory.- Web App and
: Disabled extra lines from being added to subtitle field. - Web App,
PSS®E Dynamic
: No character limit in Distance Factor field. - Web App: Control+C and right-click copy occasionally override each other, resulting in different Nodes pasted than expected.
- Web App: Rarely, the Edges of the source for a Node copy is deleted when the group of Nodes is pasted, then immediately deleted.
- Web App: If you search a Node, then scroll away in the Flow tab, then press Enter again the search does not move back to the original Node location.
- Web App: Prevented rare Node self-Edges on thin Nodes, such as Loop End, causing Simulation launch errors.
Release date: 16 March 2024
ImprovementsPSS®E Dynamic
: Improved PSS®E merge algorithm to slowly ramp voltage and angle between value solved in SMIB and target value in network model to minimise PSS®E case convergence errors.
Release date: 14 March 2024
ImprovementsPSS®E Dynamic
: Added new advanced parameterignore.generators.without.dyre
to supress errors from being raised if a generator does not have a dynamic model.PSS®E Dynamic
: Added new advanced parameterrun.chunk.time
to allow PSS®E dynamic to be completed in smaller time chunks.
Release date: 11 March 2024
ImprovementsPSS®E Static
: Greatly increased the Advanced Parametermax_iter
min and max limit (was 50-250 and now 500-10,000) to extend support for very low SCR cases. Default maximum iteration number increased from 100 to 500.
PSS®E Static
Command raises unexpectedVTARGET value is likely to prevent PSSE from converging
error when a generator is at its maximum or minimum reactive power limit, instead of converging at limit.PSS®E Static
: Generator's maximum and minimum reactive power limits were not reset to their original pre-solved values after completion of aSOLVE
Release date: 3 March 2024
NewPSS®E Dynamic
: Added new Engine setting. Can now specify the order to load dynamic libraries (.dll
) between no order, file size order (smallest first) and alphabetical order.
PSS®E Dynamic
: Relative angle Command assumes slack bus generator ID is always '1'.PSS®E Dynamic
: Ifsim.relative.angles=no
, no PSS®E Command should be called at all (existing makes a call to disable relative angle measurement, even though it's disabled by default).
Release date: 22 February 2024
New- Web App: Added the ability to launch a subset of Runs from the launch simulation window.
- Engine: Added gridmo licence expiry date to the footer of the Engine.
: Added manual alignment capability to data Node - you can now specific a time to map an index in your data to a time value in a dynamic simulation.- Web App: Added copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) shortcuts to copying Nodes in the Web App.
- Web App: Major improvements to Loop Start Node - added in-app table, CSV import/export capability and the ability to enable/disable individual loop iterations.
- Web App: Major improvement to subplot configuration - subplots can now be rearranged using drag/drop and configuring the number of pages, rows and columns is streamlined.
: The output generated by the Engine now auto-sorts to the same order as the analysis equations are displayed in the Web App.Data
: Data stand-alone folder now includes a copy of the input data in CSV format.- Engine: Reduced excessive output window text when deleting temporary working files in the gridmo Engine Updater.
: Added warning to indicate that a PSCAD™ model from a stand-alone folder should not be sent through the Engine again, as it may cause missing channel errors.PSCAD™
: Firewall auto-close popup improved to try to close all copies of the popup, rather than only the one the parent Task spawned.PSCAD™
: Reduced sensitivity of manual intervention required to close PSCAD™ warning.PSS®E Static
: Erroneous limiter warning in first iteration of gridmo's PSS®E Static solver.- Web App: Improved validation on simulation launch button, now will prevent launching if Engine ID field is empty.
- Web App: Made Nodes in the Web App easier to connect (increased radius of successful connection area).
- Web App: Node paste in Web App now pastes at the location of the right click.
- Web App: Placeholder text changes to minimise confusion between example text and actual setting in a Node window.
- Web App: Substantially reduced gridmo Project JSON file size.
: Fixed analysis Node summary incorrectly reporting the wrong result if there are no Internode Variables in the equation.Data
: Fixed rare zero slice error when auto-aligning large data sets when performing downscaling for HTML export.- Engine: Fixed PSS®E version search timer in the Engine Setup Wizard from being too short, causing a failure to detect some PSS®E installations.
- Engine: Fixed typo in Engine version footer hyperlink.
PSS®E Dynamic
Command incorrectly raising an unknown Command error.PSS®E Static
: ExtrError when trying to auto-merge a PSS®E SMIB model into a network model if there is no slack bus present in the SMIB model.PSS®E Static
: Temporary buses used for merging are now automatically deleted after successful merging of a SMIB case into a PSS®E network model.Plot
: Error when smart auto-scale attempts to auto-scale an empty sub-plot when aData
Node channel is present.Plot
: Fixed rare colour mismatch between PDF Outputs and HTML interactive Outputs due to floating point precision bug.Plot
: Minimised overlapping of multiple data legends when >10OUTPUT
Commands are used in a single Plot Node (in HTML interactive output).Plot
: Plot Node validation does not raise a validation error if the x-axis xmin time series value is invalid.Plot
: Removed standalone folder reference from interactive HTML footer if the channel source doesn't appear on any sub-plots in the output.- Web App: Fixed difference in sticky note Node width compared to other Nodes (in Google Chrome).
- Web App: Fixed crash when deleting a Node that is currently open.
- Web App: Node changes are no longer lost when switching between tabs.
Release date: 20 February 2024
New- Engine: Added new Engine settings, now allows custom colours for
error band shaded area, upper band colour and lower band colour.
Release date: 19 February 2024
FixedPSS®E Dynamic
commands not correctly applied during dynamic simulations, if the user defined model is of type USRBUS (in the dyre file).
Release date: 6 February 2024
New- Engine: Added new Engine setting, allowing the plot channel priority order (e.g. PSCAD™ before PSS®E) to be specified.
- Engine: Minor improvement to Engine's new version display text to support new Engine patch capability.
: Added high resolution mode for auto-aligning longer data sets with simulation channels.PSS®E Dynamic
: Now supports folder paths in SMIB dynamic data record and network dynamic data record fields which will add all *.dyr files in a specified directory.- Engine licencing system: Altered dependency on 3rd party company due to their outages.
- Engine: Engine updater incorrectly deleted cache record, even if caches are valid.
- Engine: PSCAD™ worker did not save the gridmo_worker log file in the all-temp folder.
- Engine: PSCAD™ worker did not suppress EMTDC Windows firewall popup on latest version of Windows 11.
Release date: 30 January 2024
: Added optionalVAL=
Argument to improve gridmo auto-scaling ofPlot
Outputs.- Engine: Added Engine settings window - allows configuration of most Engine settings including default software versions and plot colours.
- Engine: Added a new version available indicator on the Engine.
- Engine: Added new
directory to enhance multi-Engine support. - Web App: Moved to a new Web App login page and master template.
- Web App: Added a new expand button
to multiline fields in theNode
configuration window - which expands the text box to cover the entire screen.
Argument improved to accept additional characters, renaming columns of data extracted from Elspec PQMs no longer required.Data
: Expanded details on how theOUTPUT
and auto-align function works in the docs.- Engine: Major improvements to Engine setup wizard, PSS®E and PSCAD™ auto-detection improved, removed unnecessary steps.
- Engine: Simplified update process - added new Engine post-update automated process. Engine setup wizard isn't required to Run after every update any more.
- Engine: Tasks now auto-delete their temporary files from the
folder. - Engine: Time to complete an Engine shutdown is greatly reduced.
: Interactive HTML plots now use the same colours for multiple lines on a single subplot as the PDF plots.- Templates: Redesigned template T000 - purpose of template is now to help you set up a new power systems model with gridmo.
- Web App: Default value for new Global Variable or Scenario Variable now blank, was previously "New value".
- Web App: Greatly increased performance of Web App when using large templates.
- Web App: Greatly reduced loading time when switching between the
display and theHome
tab (now calledSimulations
). - Web App: Scenario Variables now display with extra whitespace between rows - to highlight the difference between a single long Command and multiple Commands.
- Web App: Simulation status table now automatically adjusts column widths to fit on screen.
- Web App: Upgraded all Web App components to have a consistent theme, font, sizing and look.
- Engine: Case sensitive Argument values, such as
were incorrectly capitalised if the Argument was not all capital letters. - Engine: Rare Engine failure where the Engine reports
but is no longer requesting or starting new Tasks. - Engine: Setup wizard incorrectly deletes Engine setting
. - Engine: Very small or very large Internode Variable values can export in scientific notation, raising unexpected validation error.
Command is used and there is no priorCONTROL, AT=0, VAL=
Argument, smiby incorrectly defaults to an initial value of 0, rather than the smiby default value.PSCAD™
: If smiby block is namedsmiby_1
or similar, the Engine both reports a warning that smiby is incorrectly named but then raises error regardless.Plot
Command does not raise a validation error ifBASE=
Argument is not provided.Plot
: Any data Node on an interactive plot's standalone folder link does not render correctly.Plot
: Disabled 'binary' sub-plot option in Plot Node, as not currently available.Plot
: Unclear error raised ifADVBANDS
Command has aTAT=
Argument with a time which is after the end of the loaded data.Plot
: When using dual axis displays (left hand side and right hand side) the colours selected are identical, but should be different.- Templates: Australian NEM GPS (T006) S5.2.5.3
PSS®E Static
Nodes have different initial voltage initialisation conditions between the actual test and generating the plot of the applied test. - Templates: Australian NEM GPS (T006) S5.2.5.4 Node 1368 (
PSS®E Dynamic
) has incorrect title. - Templates: SSIAG V2.1 (T002) plot subtitle characters cut off when describing SCR and XR.
- Web App and
To edit any fields in thePlot
Node's sub-plot dialog window, two clicks are required prior to editing being enabled. - Web App and analysis Import from CSV occasionally does not update content for data tables (including Global and Scenario Variables).
- Web App,
PSS®E Dynamic
slightly increased max numbers of characters in theDescription
field. - Web App: Excessive whitespace generated in Scenario Variables table when edited.
- Web App: Simulation duration does not appear on Simulation table's
tab. - Web App: Sticky Nodes in Chrome do not render correctly.
- Web App: When adding new Nodes into a Flow, they occasionally get added off-screen or in an unexpected location.
Release date: 9 January 2024
: Added new Engine configuration parameterplot.tight.layout
which reduces the white space on time-series PDF outputs.Plot
: Added new Engine configuration
which adds the x-axis label on all subplots on time-series PDF outputs.
to output the % of samples which fall within the error bands, helping compare the accuracy of two channels (e.g. PSS®E v.s. PSCAD™ or PSCAD™ v.s. R2 data).- Web App: Clicking off the subplot or analysis dialogue box defaults to accepting the user changes (i.e. pressing 'OK'), rather than defaulting to discarding the user changes (i.e. pressing 'Cancel').
- Web App: Default column width for Scenario Variables is increased.
Release date: 12 December 2023
: Added new Command,GRADIENT
, to calculate line segment gradients - such as auto-calculation of S5.2.5.11 P(f) and S5.2.5.13 QV droop curves.- Template - AEMO GPS NER v200 - S5.2.5.11 & S5.2.5.13: Updated to include
Command and associated analysis. - Web App: Added Node search bar which searches Node IDs and text in any Node window field.
PSS®E Dynamic
: Removed support forDISTANCE%=
Commands, added a new Node-level distance factor setting.Plot
: Drawing a line on scatter plot data can now be toggled on/off.Plot
: Modified colour palette to improve contrast where multiple lines from a single Node are plotted together.- Web App: Increased number of characters in
Node title and subtitle fields. - Web App: Maximum number of Scenarios increased to 9.
- Web App: Removed support for
Advanced Parameter and replaced with new Project setting on theGeneral
tab. - Web App: Updated location of row delete icon in
Node window to match Global and Scenario Variables. - Web App: User experience improved when editing and savings rows in Global Variables, Scenario Variables and Analysis Nodes.
- Web App: Node window remains open when switching between Project tabs.
- Web App: Failure to launch Simulation error if a Scenario was enabled without adding a Scenario Variable.
Release date: 5 December 2023
: Released new Node.- Engine:
Argument now supports simple math operations, such asVALSCALE=1/$g_project_max_p
. PSS®E Dynamic
: Released newADD
Command which can be used to add reactors/capacitors for wide-area voltage disturbance studies.PSS®E Static
control methodologies to support voltage control strategies typically used for synchronous condensers.smiby
: Added single phase current output channels.- Templates: (Australia) AusNet Services 1.5MW to 5MW System Study Requirements template now available.
- Web App: Added small status windows to inform the user when a Simulation failed to schedule, has started or has finished.
- Engine: Allowed square and curly brackets to be entered in Argument values.
: Updated automatic firewall pop-up close to support latest Windows 11 pop-up style.PSS®E Dynamic
Improved validation on values provided toSIMPLEFAULT
.PSS®E Dynamic
: ImprovedDYRMODEL=
typo detection, now raises warning if aDYRMODEL=
Argument does not match any model in the specified dyre file.Plot
: Increased character limit of output filename field.Plot
Argument to Edge detection CommandEDGE
: Depreciated minimum reactance advanced smiby parameter, now derived from specified minimum resistance.- Web App: Moved location of delete button for Global and Scenario Variables.
- Web App: Simulation launch time is now localised to your time zone.
- Web App: The duration of a Simulation is now displayed on the Home page.
raises unexpected errors.PSCAD™
: SCR and XR were interpolated between Commands and therefore differed in implementation to other Nodes, such as PSS®E.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
: Excessive low impedance warnings for branches which have acceptable (but low) impedances.Plot
: Occasional backwards compatibility error in very old gridmo simulation files due to missing Advanced Parameter field.Plot
: PDF file merge error if filename is 6 characters long caused by Windows long filename backward-compatibility handling.smiby
: Fault mode was selected insmiby
irrespective of faults being applied or not.smiby
: Ramping SCR or XR during simulation does not correctly apply due to EMTDC™ optimisation of branch impedances.- Web App:
fields incorrectly allow multiple lines. - Web App: Occasional failure to launch error when using launch Simulation shortcut (Control + Enter).
Release date: 14 November 2023
Node: Added initialisation mode (sets infinite bus voltage to a fixed value at the start of the simulation for a configurable time)Plot
Node: AddedHBANDS=
Argument to settling time and recovery time to display horizontal tolerance bands for the specified calculation.Plot
Node: Added Advanced Parametershow.all.x.lables
which, if set toYes
, displays the x-axis label under each subplot.smiby
included which extends the simple voltage divider calculation methodology to consider generating system contribution prior to disturbances.
Node: Case files are now automatically reloaded to resolve rare missing reference errors.PSCAD™
Node: Improved Fortran compiler selection method if task requested Fortran version is unavailable.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
Node: Reduced excessive error and warning text if an error occurs.PSS®E Dynamic
Command now supports multipleBUS=
Arguments.PSS®E Dynamic
Node: Addedsim.repeat.init.if.suspect=n
Advanced Parameter (repeats initialisationn
times if PSS®E dynamic initial conditions are suspect).smiby
: Sampled Vinf initial in a single place to avoid unnecessary duplication.smiby
: VDISTURBANCE - Logic separated from SIMPLEFAULT and TOVTEST to allow different calculation methodologies.smiby
: Additional logic added to POC Power Factor channel. If PF ≈ 1 or PF ≈ -1, then value is rounded to 1 to avoid issues of flipping between -1 and 1.smiby
: Improve the display names and descriptions of smiby parameters.
PSS®E Static
Node: Warning for Zsource too low displays wrong warning text and multiple swing buses warning incorrectly states a timeout occurred.PSS®E Static
Node: Buffer size error when using PSS®E 34 connection and very large case files.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
Node: Checking branch impedances is very slow and raises excessive warnings for large case files.PSS®E Static
andPSS®E Dynamic
Node: Branches with series reactance equal to PSS®E ideal branch impedance threshold unexpectedly raises a branch impedance too low warning.PSS®E Dynamic
Node: Branches which connect buses of different base voltage cause PSS®E to report that a case is converged when the case is actually in an unstable state. We added a check and raise an error if this issue is detected.PSS®E Dynamic
channel incorrectly outputs 0 if active or reactive power is exactly 0.PSS®E Dynamic
Node: DLLs for network merge not copied to working directory correctly.PSS®E Dynamic
doesn't apply fault ifTYPE=
Argument missing.PSS®E Dynamic
Node: Connection closed error when running large case files caused by dynamics user defined DLLs clashing (e.g. model debug output file writes overriding).PSS®E Dynamic
Node: Unexpected validation error ifSETFILE
command arguments were very long.Plot
Node: Subplot legends on right (secondary) axis plots do not match the correspondingLEGEND=
Node: If aSETTLE_T
Command does not settle, the shaded area is excessively large.Plot
Node: Error ifOUTPUT
Command is used and theAT=
argument is an Internode Variable.Analysis
Node: Unclear error text raised if an Internode Variable is in an analysis statement, but that Internode Variable cannot be found in a linked Node.- Engine: If direct (EMTDC™) mode is disabled in the setup wizard, it does not re-enable despite being asked to do so.
- Engine: Direct (EMTDC™) mode does not auto-acquire a PSCAD™ licence.
- Engine: If Engine config
some tasks fail unexpectedly. - Templates:
default POC voltage changed to 1.025 [p.u.]. - Docs: Minor corrections
- Template - AEMO GPS NER v200: Minor corrections:
- Remove error bands from Plots when only one power system software used.
- Added "[p.u.]" into y-axis title for Va, Vb, Vc plots.
- Set DISPLAY=NO for many Plot Output Commands to reduce overcrowding of Plots.
- Remove 3s initialisation check when only running PSS®E Dynamic.
: VDISTURBANCE - VCHANGEPU previously applied an absolute voltage disturbance. VCHANGEPU now applies a relative voltage disturbance and VPU applies an absolute voltage disturbance.smiby
: TOVTEST - Fixed calculation methodology for Qcap when specifying a desired overvoltage (e.g. 1.2 p.u.).
Release date: 17 October 2023
New- Engine dashboard: Uncompleted Simulations launched in past 48hr are shown on the home page, providing users the ability to see what is currently being run on the Engine.
- Engine: Added optional Engine setting
to automatically release PSCAD™ licence when not running PSCAD™ Tasks. - Engine: Added Engine setting
to disable running new Tasks if the available hard drive space in theWorking
folder is less than this setting value (in GB). PSS®E Dynamic
optional Argument to post-process an ANGLE channel to between -180 to 180 degrees.
PSS®E Static
Node: Tasks now complete approximately 50% faster if using a v34.x PSS®E.PSS®E Dynamic
Node: AddedRELVAL=
Argument to allow for relative changes to CONs, ICONs and VARs (PSS®E) and channels (PSCAD™).Plot
Node: Rise, settle, recovery times andOUTPUT
values are now shown on the interactive HTML plots and can be enabled and disabled by clicking the legend.PSS®E Static
Node: Generators now have their reactive power limits reset after a completedSOLVE
Command and are set in voltage control mode with a target voltage as per the target bus's actual voltage after theSOLVE
is completed.PSS®E Dynamic
Commands are now supported in both Node types.TOVTEST
is no longer recommended for new Simulations. A warning is raised ifVDISTURBANCE
command is used but the smiby distance factor is not 1.PSS®E Static
Node: Added a warning if anATLINE=
Argument might be backwards based on the requestedCONTROL
Command.- Engine: Automated old version cache deletion moved from
Node to Engine setup wizard to prevent FileNotFound errors. - Engine: Greatly reduced file size of Simulation Summary interactive table.
Node: Summary title now uses the Title field of the Start Node for this Run, rather than the Analysis Node ID.- Template - AEMO GPS NER v200 - S5.2.5.13: Voltage disturbance tests included for Q control mode and PF control mode.
- Template - AEMO GPS NER v200 - S5.2.5.5 & S5.2.5.13: Alternate scatter plots provided for Iq FRT injection curve and P(f) droop curve.
- Template - AEMO DMAT v2 (Table 22) & AEMO DMAT v2: Source energy helper updated to look at Pgen, rather than Ppoc. Scatter plot of SE v.s. Pgen included.
- Template - AEMO DMAT v2 (Table 22) & AEMO DMAT v2 - TOV tests: Replaced
Commands with equivalentVDISTURBANCE
Commands. - Template - AEMO GPS NER v200 & AEMO DMAT v2 (Table 22) & AEMO DMAT v2: Include PFpoc plot in PF control system related tests.
- Templates - All: Updated Grid - SMIB - Voltage relative steps from % syntax to latest pu syntax (e.g.
->-0.1 pu
). - Templates - All: Removed
Commands fromPSS®E Dynamic
Nodes where the AT=0 Command was already in a Scenario Variable. This was to avoid having duplicated AT=0 Commands. - Template - AEMO GPS NER v200: Incorporated Analysis Nodes to align with Analysis checklists in the associated tutorial.
- Engine: Extra whitespace not removed from Internode Variable definitions under rare circumstances.
Node connected toPlot
Node: IfOUTPUT, AT=x
is used andx
is equal to the Simulation length, then the valueAT=0
is incorrectly output instead.PSCAD
Node: Occassional error if noCONTROL, CH=x, AT=0
Argument is provided.PSSE Static
Node: Potential duplication of internal generator definitions with multipleSOLVE
Commands.PSSE Static
Node: The potentialATLINE=
backwards warning is overly sensitive.PSSE Static
Node: Warning if the generator has hit a PMIN or PMAX limiter references wrong value in the 'generator requests' message.PSSE Static
incorrectly creates a zero-impedance line which may cause dynamic model instability.PSSE Dynamic
channel has no base specified so cannot be used.Plot
Node: Error displayed during Engine setup wizard if Python 2.7 mode is disabled.Plot
incorrectly centres the x-axis about 1.0 pu, should be 0.0 pu.Plot
Node: Group of auto-scaling errors caused by plotting a single data point.Plot
Node: Auto-scaling between plot PDF and plot HTML are occasionally different, with the HTML plot occasionally not auto scaling correctly.Plot
Node: On HTML interactive plots, links to standalone folders appear even if logging type is selected as none.Plot
Node: Scatter plot error if connected to aTable
Node where thex
axis values are a loop variable and they
axis values are duplicated from two or more simulation results, such as twoPSSE Dynamic
Nodes.- Template - AEMO GPS NER v200 - S5.2.5.5: Tests initialise with
, nots_psse_ss_set_infsource_1pu
where possible. - Template - AEMO GPS NER v200: Node titles, file outputs and variable names updated to be consistent.
- Templates - All:
default value updated for Q control at the POC wherebyVALSCALE=$g_project_max_q, QTARGET=$l_qcmd
was updated toVALSCALE=$g_project_max_p, QTARGET=$l_qcmd
. This aligns with Flow part of the template which provide l_qcmd values based on the project's rated active power [MW] (e.g. l_qcmd = 0.395). - Template - AEMO DMAT v2 (Table 22) & AEMO DMAT v2 - Table 8: Vref steps should be relative from
, not start at 1.0 p.u. every time.
Release date: 3 October 2023
New- Simulation progress percentage is now shown on the Home page of the Web App.
- The Simulation's gridmo JSON file is automatically saved into the Simulation's
folder. Plot
Node: Supports multiple pages (for both PDF and interactive HTML).PSS®E Static
Node: CreatedADD
Command to add a new network element into the case.Plot
Node: Added shortcut links to the interactive HTML plots which link to the stand-alone folder (if created).
- Launching simulations is now much faster and processing errors are now displayed on the Home page of the Web App.
PSS®E Dynamic
Node: AddedRELVAL=
Argument to allow for relative changes to CONs, ICONs and VARs (PSS®E) and channels (PSCAD™).Plot
Node: Rise, settle, recovery times andOUTPUT
values are now shown on the interactive HTML plots and can be enabled and disabled by clicking the legend.PSS®E Static
Node: Generators now have their reactive power limits reset after a completedSOLVE
Command.PSS®E Dynamic
Commands are now supported in both Node types.TOVTEST
is no longer recommended for new Simulations.PSS®E Static
Node: Added a warning if anATLINE=
Argument might be backwards based on the requestedCONTROL
Command.- Engine: Automated old version cache deletion moved from
Node to Engine setup wizard to prevent FileNotFound errors. - Engine: Greatly reduced file size of Simulation Summary interactive table.
Node: Scatter plot type incorrectly only matched data from the same Node type - now requires same Node, software and software version.Plot
Node: Interactive HTML Plot type renders sub-plot legends even if disabled.Plot
Node: No error raised ifSETTLE_T
have matchingNAME=
Arguments within a singlePlot
Node:merge on float32 and object columns
error caused by incorrect type casting.- Engine: Any stalled process killed by backup process logic was listed as
in the Simulation Summary but has no details as to why it errored.
Release date: 19/09/2023
Node: simulation cache incorrectly matches a previous simulation if the only change between two simulations were changes toPSCAD™
source filesPlot
Command incorrectly raises an error if theDISPLAY=
argument was usedPlot
Command incorrectly outputs a settling time of0
if the values of the signal at both theSTART_T=
arguments were0
and the change in signal is negative with no overshoot- Engine: excessive gridmo Engine licence validation requests
Release date: 12/09/2023
New- Added
Node Plot
Node: added support for custom user-specified fontsPSS®E Dynamic
Node: added power factor output channel capabilityPSS®E Dynamic
Node: load conversion parameters (conl) can now be specified via advanced parameters
now have configurable per-unit start and stop bandsPlot
Node: addedDISPLAY=
Argument for OUTPUT Command which renders a dot and displays the value in the data legend at the bottom of the plotPSS®E Dynamic
Node: relative voltage, GREF and VREF now supports+0.05 pu
format in addition to+5%
format (percentage format not recommended for new projects)PSS®E Static
Node: added simplified infinite SCR support, just setSCR=Infinite
which sets the source impedance as low as possible for the respective power systems softwarePSS®E Static
Node: added a warning if neither end of aSET, LINE=, SCR=, XR=
Command is the slack bus- Engine main log file gets very large with extended use (is now auto-rotated log)
- Engine Simulation summary is now an interactive HTML and can be opened while Simulation is in progress
- Unraveller: fixed a rare dependency issue when using multiple engines and a large
merge - Unraveller: variables in comments and disabled fields are ignored
- System requirements page: includes details on licence requirements for 3rd party power systems software
Node: sub-plot legends were incorrectly enabled on allPlot
nodes regardless of the "Enable subplot legends" selection in the Web AppTable
Node: fixed validation error if comments are included in the table data fieldPSCAD™
Node: initial fix for incorrect Iq channel behaviour under bolted faultsPSS®E Dynamic
Node: fixed rare silent error if anOUTPUT, GEN=
command is missing an argumentPSS®E Static
Node: fixedunbound localerror variable K
error if multipleSOLVE
commands used but aCONTROL, GEN=
command is not redefined before the subsequent solve commands- Engine setup wizard incorrectly sets main log file to
directory instead of executable location - Template
AEMO DMAT Table 22: fixed in Node 1095 (source energy, PSCAD) the initial source energy was incorrectly not using the Scenario Variable$g_pscad_change_source_energy
- Docs: updated
PSS®E Dynamic
Node docs to documentLEGEND
Argument. - Docs: minor typo updates to AEMO GPS tutorial
Release date: 29/08/2023
New features:
- Template T006 (East-coast Australian GPS) now available to gridmo customers
PSS®E Static
Node: added PSS®E model merge capabilityPSS®E Dynamic
Node andPSCAD™
Node: Added new CommandVDISTURBANCE
which automatically switches betweenSIMPLEFAULT
to apply a SMIB voltage disturbance (either up or down)Plot
Node: added scatter plot option and capabilityPlot
Node: Added new commandsADVOUTPUT
- Engine displays what software packages (e.g. PSS®E) its gridmo licence allows
- New
version released - added XOR phase angle measurement between V and Q (at POC) and added positive and negative sequenceid
measurement - Best practices page included in docs
- Engine's stand-alone compressed folders now include task type in the file name
- Engine now displays simplified task IDs in logs and stand-alone compressed folder names
Command now correctly handles exporting multiple Internode Variables if multiple output data channels are being plottedTable
Node: automatically outputs Internode Variables using their column titles as the variable namePlot
Node: settling, rise and recovery time data display now includes subplot titlePlot
Node: improved support for subplots which have no data from any linked Nodes- Added
argument toSETFILE
Command to support additional OEM configuration file formats - Engine worker management and task request API improved, tasks now launch and cancel quicker
- Web App simulation status page now shows loading wheel when loading simulation status
- Removed setting key
as all Engines now use dynamic worker control - Asterisk now shown in Node window title if there are unsaved changes on the current Node
PSS®E Static
does not lock taps if robust solution solver is triggered due to large system mismatchPlot
command calculates the rise time as 0 sec for a falling changePlot
Node: error if all sub-plots are disabled, or both left and right sub-plot axis have no dataPlot
Node: error if a single sub-plot has more than 13 linesPlot
Node: error if an Internode Variable is used in the Commands field of a subplotPlot
Node: error if a linked task does not have a specified Internode Variable when usingOUTPUT
CommandPSS®E Dynamic
Node: error for extremely long PSS®E simulations (over 700 seconds)PSS®E Dynamic
Node: docs states angle playback is absolute, but is actually relative to infinite bus angle (which defaults to 0 deg)PSCAD™
Command not enabling auto-calculation mode despiteQCAP=CALC
Node:CMD does not support UNC paths
error being raised if using network drive with direct (EMTDC™) launch mode- Invalid characters in the Project or Simulation Description raise errors on the Engine
- Template T004 has old-style large Node IDs
Release date: 08/08/2023
New features:
- Platform-wide
- Added multi-Engine support (currently requires high-speed local network sharing between Engines and requires no common task type between Engines, such as one PSCAD™ Engine and one PSS®E Engine)
- Engine
- General
- Added Engine config keys
to support limiting number of workers per task type - Maximum number of PSS®E, PSCAD™ and other Tasks (which don't require a licence) can now be overridden by your Engine's licence (to support multi-Engine setups)
Engine log modified to allow multi-Engine
- Added Engine config keys
- Setup wizard
- PSS®E, Python 2.7 and PSCAD™ can now be skipped during installer setup
- General
- Engine
- Plotting
- Fixed -
occassionally does not detect a settled transition window for long simulations - Fixed -
command states a signal does not settle within the defined time, but it does upon visual inspection
- Fixed -
- Plotting
Release date: 01/08/2023
New features:
- General
- Number of spawned workers can now be configured by licence. Added
Engine configuration setting
- Number of spawned workers can now be configured by licence. Added
- Web App
- After you launch a simulation, Engine ID is locally stored for the session
- Control + Enter shortcut added, launches simulation and saves current Node window
- Added ability to copy and paste subplot data between Nodes
- Added unsaved changes notification to top right of Web App and added unsaved changes dialog box when creating new Project
- Engine
- General
Command hasQCAP=CALC
argument value to automatically calculate the required MVAr to achieve an overvoltage- Added Command
which enables single-command Multiple Fault Ride Through (MFRT) testing - Launching new simulation tasks is now faster, using unused workers to launch in parallel
- Released simulation caching feature
- Dynamic - added
Command - Added
alternative Arguments for theCONTROL, LOAD=
Command to set constant admittance rather than constant power loads
- Dynamic - added
- General
- Web App
- Fixed -
button incorrectly closes the Node window
- Fixed -
- Engine
- General
- Fixed -
model PSS®E slider file (SLD) was not included in the Engine installer - Fixed - Engine does not raise warning if multiple Arguments in the same Command have the same value, such as
CONTROL, GEN=101#1, GEN=101#1,
- Fixed - space at end of Project title raises file not found error
- Fixed - Engine making excessive API re-connections due to missing keep alive flag
- Fixed -
- Fixed -
incorrectly assumes the infinite bus voltage is always 1.0 pu in fault impedance calculation - Fixed - error when using
Command when using PSS®E v34 - Fixed - error when using
Command when using PSS®E v34
- Fixed -
- Fixed - smiby incorrectly assumes the infinite bus voltage is always 1.0 pu in fault impedance calculation for
- Fixed - PSCAD™ output files which are invalid (such as NaN or chatter records) is extremely slow to process
- Fixed - smiby incorrectly assumes the infinite bus voltage is always 1.0 pu in fault impedance calculation for
- General
Template changes:
- T001 AEMO DMAT Table 22
- Test/result changes
- T22 Row 58 (TOV test) - all tests - Duplicated into two optional runs. The first uses an automatically calculated capacitance using
and the other using a voltage playback generator. Setting the QCAP values for 1.15pu and 1.20pu is no longer required. Removed QCAP helper.
- T22 Row 58 (TOV test) - all tests - Duplicated into two optional runs. The first uses an automatically calculated capacitance using
- Other changes
- T22 Row 63 (Voltage oscillation) - all tests - Added additional disabled plot which overlays V and Q for two cycles as required for submissions to Powerlink QLD (Australia)
- T22 Row 55 (Unbalanced faults) and T22 Row 57 (MFRT Benchmarking) - all tests - added sub-plot level legend to identify different phase voltages
- Fixed - T22 Row 65 (SCR=1 P steps) and T22 Row 66 (SCR=1 post fault) - all tests - disabled PSS®E Nodes incorrectly used old
variable - Fixed - T22 Row 59 (V/Q/PF steps) - all tests - removed unnecessary voltage playback data from Nodes without voltage playback
- Fixed - T22 Row 61 (F ramps) - all tests - reduce length of subtitle to avoid clipping with customer logo
- Fixed - T22 Row 64 (Angle change) - all tests - PSS®E only plot missing
sub-directory in output file path - Fixed - all terminal
references inwecc-solar
PSS®E studies updated to newGEN, VAL=IQ
- Test/result changes
- T002 AEMO System Strength Impact Assessment Guidelines (v2.1) Withstand SCR
- Released into the Template Library
Release date: 18/07/2023
New features:
- Web App
- Included a popup window to warn of unsaved Node changes
- Engine
- General
- Added optional dynamic worker control, where number of parallel simulations automatically scales based on available PC resources - recommended for powerful dedicated simulation PCs
- Added task start time, end time and simulation duration in simulation summary
- Added
command for one-command multi-fault ride through (MFRT) tests, with 20 pre-configured MFRT sequences compliant with AEMO DMAT - Added simulation ID and last message to
Worker status
logging option - When a simulation is cancelled, the Engine will now force shutdown these tasks immediately rather than waiting for them to complete
- Migrated to a new faster output file converter
- Plotting
- Added customer logo support onto Plotly HTML plots
- Added sub-plot legends and secondary y-axis support to allow multiple channels from the same Node to be plotted on the same sub-plot (currently PDF only)
- Docs
- The
block is no longer packaged with the engine, instead is now available on the docs website
- The
- Misc
- Released new EULA for the Engine, revised the terms on the smiby block and added terms into auto-generated stand-alone folder scripts to align with public release of
- Released new EULA for the Engine, revised the terms on the smiby block and added terms into auto-generated stand-alone folder scripts to align with public release of
- General
- Web App
- Node IDs are incremental
- Minor formatting improvements to Scenario Variables table
- Run priority removed
- Engine
- General
- Fixed - if a simulation is stopped by backup process kill logic, it doesn't appear in the simulation summary
- Fixed - order of simulation description, simulation id and engine version make finding the latest created folder in the Output folder difficult
- Fixed - adding a space to the end of the simulation description raises missing folder error
- Fixed - performance of AT=0 commands is unclear, AT=0 should apply at first time step, AT=-1 should apply before the first time step
- Fixed - scale on
scale is incorrect - Fixed - very long simulations can cause occasional timeout error
- Fixed - smiby's default channel values should use the configured scales, so the values align with web app commands
- Fixed - smiby's angle measurement multimeter incorrectly uses fixed 50 Hz
- Fixed - pscx and pslx files in sub-directories were not being pre-processed before launching PSCAD
- Fixed - rare PSCAD file conversion fail caused by EMTDC inserting chatter occurrence records into .out files
- Plotting
- Fixed - plot and table Nodes incorrectly merge with files in other output folder subdirectories
- Fixed - Plotly HTML compression results in unacceptably low resolution for studies with small disturbances, such as voltage oscillation studies
- General
Template changes:
- T001 AEMO DMAT Table 22
- Test/result changes
- T22 Row 56 (PSCAD MFRT) and T22 Row 57 tests (MFRT benchmarking) - replaced
commands with newMULTIFAULT
command. First fault now at 5 seconds. Fixed - time spacing for first two faults in each sequence did not have spacing as per AEMO DMAT requirements - Fixed - T22 Row 62C (Extended voltage recovery) - tests 188-10, 188-50, 188-80, 189-10, 189-50 and 189-80 - the significant voltage dip during this test is now applied via
, not via external grid playback - T22 Row 68 (Source energy) - tests 226 and 228 - no
PSS®E Dynamic
Node was previously included in this study, it has now been added. Note AEMO DMAT at time of writing is unclear if this Node is required, but it has been added for completeness
- T22 Row 56 (PSCAD MFRT) and T22 Row 57 tests (MFRT benchmarking) - replaced
- Other changes
- Fixed - T22 Row 55 (PSCAD unbalanced faults) - tests 85A, 85B, 91A and 91B - plots were incorrectly labelled as 0% residual voltage, but the test is instead a bolted (0 ohm) line-line fault
- Fixed - T22 Row 67 (FRT benchmarking) - all tests - reduced excess simulation time on
andPSS®E Dynamic
Nodes (excess time was beyond end of plot), reducing simulation time - Fixed - T22 Row 68 (Source energy) - all tests - reduced excess simulation time on
andPSS®E Dynamic
Nodes (excess time was beyond end of plot), reducing simulation time - Fixed - test 0.3
Node was incorrectly labelled as test 0.4 - All plots from this template now save to a
sub-directory - All helper plots from this template now save to a
sub-directory within theDMAT
directory - Added PSSE only and PSCAD only plots (normally disabled) instead of just benchmarking plots. These files are in individual sub-directories
- Test/result changes
Release date: 04/07/2023
New features:
- Engine
- General
- Worker all-temp folders now in compressed (.zip) file format to improve upload speed using OneDrive or similar
- Improved Engine shutdown handling, now stops all tasks and worker processes before exiting
- Added warning - dynamic simulation can be unstable if infinite generator reactance is effectively zero
- Added warning - not updating project rated power can cause strange convergence errors due to ultra-low SCR
- Multiple generator support for Dynamic Node CONTROL Commands for CON, ICON, VAR.
- Greatly improved the algorithm for finding and disabling unused output channels, improving simulation speed
- Added advanced parameter
to ignore PSCAD™ simulation errors which occur at the very end of a simulation (to support some OEM models) - Added advanced parameter
to prevent an Engine from launching the specified PSCAD™ Node using direct (EMTDC) launch mode, irrespective of Engine config - Added support for incorrectly named smiby blocks (i.e.
) and raises a warning to fix, rather than raising an error
- General
- Web App
- Scenario Variables page no longer editable when disabled
- Reduced cache of files stored in Template Library
- Templates
- T001
- Added missing PSCAD™ Q=0 command in R59D (Q control steps)
- T001
- Engine
- General
- Fixed - warnings are not reported in the simulation summary for tasks which error
- Fixed - number of recommended workers in setup wizard appears invalid
- Fixed -
command raises error - Fixed - docs incorrectly state that
did not haveI
output channel support
- Fixed -
- Fixed -
block uses thexr_in
parameter for calculating the XR ratio of the equivalent impedance irrespective of theExternal control
selection - Fixed - EMTDC error if single
channel has multiple data points with the same time, but different value - Fixed - error if firewall popup is closed by another popup close thread
- Fixed - PSCAD™ temporary processing folder incorrectly being copied into stand-alone folder
- Fixed - direct (EMTDC) launch mode uses the wrong batch file path when loading
- Fixed -
command incorrectly raises errors if hyphens are present in theFILENAME=
argument - Fixed - PSCAD™ task will raise error if not licenced, despite a licence being available
- Fixed -
- Plotting
- Fixed - interactive plot generator does not correctly skip disabled axes when adding axes titles
- Fixed - 'may be too long to fit on plot' warning should not be a warning
- Fixed - plot x axis ticks do not always appear on bottom-most subplot in subplot column
- Fixed - error when using
argument which has a time value after the end of the time series data being plotted - Fixed - interactive plot generator repeats the legend entry if multiple lines are plotted on the same sub-plot
- Fixed - error raised in interactive plot generation if a subplot has a single Internode Variable and this Internode Variable is from a disabled Node and is the only time series data output of this disabled Node
- General
Release date: 27/06/2023
New features:
- Docs
- Public release of with significant changes throughout the documentation
- Added links to new YouTube video tutorial series
- Templates
- Updated template T000 (Single run example) with a PSCAD™ Node and standardised Global and Scenario Variable names
- Released template T001 (Australian AEMO Table 22 DMAT) with hybrid generator support using gridmo standardised Global and Scenario Variable names
- Released new
block version:- Added built-in single-phase RMS voltage output channels at the point of connection
- Removed unused
- Released new
- Web App
- Fixed - launching simulation fails when using Scenario Variables with specific characters
- Fixed - launching extremely large simulations occasionally caused error
- Engine
- General
- Fixed -
helper python macro not included in engine installer - Fixed -
config file defaults not included in engine installer
- Fixed -
- Fixed - maximum value for
advanced parameter should be 0.5, not 0.1 - Fixed - engine does not handle expired PSS®E licences correctly and creates multiple popups
- Fixed - maximum value for
- Fixed - PSCAD™ task raises index error if direct (EMTDC™) launch mode is set to false
- Fixed - PSCAD™ task raises 'no iid error' if multiple components in the workspace match the iid of a
command - Fixed - EMTDC™ raises XYTABLE error if duplicate entries (same time and value) in smiby channels
- General
Release date: 13/06/2023
New features:
- Platform-wide
- Added Scenario Variables for hybrid generator studies
- Expanded plotting options, added HTML interactive plot which supports zoom and crop
- Expanded engine software capability, allowing overlaying of multiple PSS®E and PSCAD™ versions in one Run
- Refined simulation launch options to minimise files created in the
- Web App
- Increased character limits for several fields
- Engine
- Added new PSS®E Static output command
to calculate a voltage droop target to help flat-start dynamic simulations - Added optional arguments
command to limit Q capability at a remote branch and bus when using voltage droop control
- Added new PSS®E Static output command
- Optimised workspace loading to increase simulation speed
- Now automatically closes firewall popups when starting PSCAD simulations
- Plotting and Table
- Now supports folders in output file name, such as
DMAT\DMAT - T22 R58 - TOV test
- Now supports folders in output file name, such as
- Web App
- Fixed - loops not connected to an end Node will schedule when they should not
- Fixed - infrequent 502 error for engine API
- Engine
- General
- Fixed - API connection does not support corporate proxies like ZScaler
- Fixed - support for
voltage references in the same field inExternal grid controls
has been disabled - Fixed - undefined loop or Global Variables in a Node often causes engine validation error
- Fixed - PSS®E Static Node
raised error when using legacy 32 bit connection - Fixed - PSS®E Static Node logging incorrectly reported the wrong unit for
commands - Fixed - PSS®E Nodes raising charmap error in PSS®E v35 caused by dyre file encoding
- Fixed - PSS®E Static Node
- Fixed - PSCAD™ reloads the master library after loading, slowing down simulations
- Plotting
- Fixed - plot scaling rarely not showing all data when using default
scaling mode
- Fixed - plot scaling rarely not showing all data when using default
- General
Release date: 06/06/2023
New features:
- Engine
- General
- Added new error for missing commas in Commands
- Added v5.0.2 support
- Added advanced parameter
and reduced the default voltage solver accuracy tolerance - Added warning where a PSS®E Dynamic simulation may have stopped early, but not failed (as occurs with some generator model failures or bad initial conditions)
- Added advanced parameter
- Plotting
- Added customisable colours to output plots
- Added option to add minor grid lines to output plots (default is off - only major grid lines)
- General
- Engine
- General
- Fixed - rare simulation deadlock caused by race condition in task status buffers
- Fixed - long wait for licence acquisition upon awaking if PC is slept with gridmo engine running
- Fixed - temporary file cleaner occasionally deletes in-progress work during long simulations
- Fixed - backup process kill logic raises error
- Fixed - PSS®E Dynamic Node
channel incorrectly reporting missingPBASE
argument - Fixed - "None" path error if DLLs folder in a PSS®E Dynamic Node is a Global Variable which is an empty string
- Fixed - PSS®E Static Node incorrectly handles power factor = 0
- Fixed - PSS®E Dynamic Node output DLLs folder in STANDALONE folder generation fails if DLLs folder in Node configuration is not exactly
- Fixed - PSS®E Dynamic Node
- Fixed - PSCAD™ does not close if error raised during pre-build or building EMTDC™ executable
- Fixed - PSCAD™ v5.0.2 occasionally unloads all libraries in the workspace after loading
- Fixed - direct (EMTDC™) launch mode incorrectly warning for being in debug mode in production engine
- Fixed - excessive log output being created during copying files to temporary folder (resulting in longer task completion times)
- Plotting
- Fixed - output files from plots creating extremely large files
- Fixed - error when using
command when no lines are present in the sub-plot - Fixed - PSS®E Dynamic Node crashing on first time step causes NaN auto-scale error in plot
- Fixed - hatching of rise, settle or recovery time on sub-plots does not have any transparency and doesn't match the line's colour
- General
Release date: 30/05/2023
New features:
- Web App
- Nodes can now be enabled and disabled individually or in groups by dragging a box over the Nodes which holding shift, then pressing right click and selecting
- Renamed
tab toGlobal
to represent Global Variables. Added import/export to CSV capability and addedNotes
field in Global Variables table
- Nodes can now be enabled and disabled individually or in groups by dragging a box over the Nodes which holding shift, then pressing right click and selecting
- Template library
- Added
PSCAD™ model
- Added
- Engine
- General
- Old files in the
directory are now automatically deleted
- Old files in the
- Renamed ID and IQ channel
respectively - Added
optional flag to static and dynamic studies
- Renamed ID and IQ channel
- New release of
block:- True distance factor
fault capability - Added new parameter for minimum inductance of any series components
- Added new parameters to specify base values for ID and IQ channels to match PSS®E
- Added
fault type
- True distance factor
- Improved multiple PSCAD launch method to minimise simulation PC slowdown
- New release of
- Plotting
- Added AEMO Power System Modelling Guideline compatible error bands (
command) - Renamed older
and expanded capability - Added custom logo support (co-branding next to gridmo logo) for output PDF plots
- Added minor tick marks to vertical axes
- Added AEMO Power System Modelling Guideline compatible error bands (
- General
- Web App
- Fixed - single backslashes in Global Variable value caused simulation launch error
- Backend
- Fixed - loop variables weren't supported in merge
Nodes - Tasks are now strictly scheduled in first-in first-out order (priority now given to finish older simulations rather than starting new ones)
- Fixed - loop variables weren't supported in merge
- Docs
- Fixed - broken links on PSCAD™ Node page
- Engine
- General
- Fixed - python 2.7 installer buttons in engine wizard were not greyed out during pip install
- Fixed - rare duplicate task status update resulting in deadlocks of some long simulations
- Fixed - confusing error if there are no output channels in dynamic simulation, but field is not empty (i.e. has comments only)
- Fixed - silent error if cannot find branch in the loaded case file during a branch flow P or Q check
- Fixed - network frequency dependence incorrectly defaulted to
- Fixed - workspace/case file time-step or plot-step is not overridden unless advanced parameter specified
- Fixed - extremely high SCR or XR values making residual voltage of faults inaccurate
- Fixed - base value for ID and IQ channels were incorrect in smiby
- Fixed - engine wizard loads a case file and adds to existing workspace, rather than opening a new workspace
- General
Release date: 16/05/2023
New features:
- General
- Public roadmap released
- Web App
- Added simulation status to app front page. You can now view the status of your simulations and cancel unwanted simulations
- Added sticky notes Node type. You can now leave notes for yourself or colleagues directly on the web app
- Template library
- Released template library
- Added new template Single run example to the template library which replaces the
example Project (was previously packaged in the installer)
- Engine
- General
- Task request timer replaced with dynamic timer (requesting new tasks now quicker, improving simulation speed)
- Added
flags to multiple PSS®E and PSCAD™ commands to support command or variable unit scaling which is different between PSS®E and PSCAD™ models (for example, command target is in per unit in PSS®E vs MW in PSCAD™)
- Implemented PSS®E robust solution to improve low fault level solving capability
- Added new command
which modifies an external text or configuration file prior to starting the simulation - Removed
advanced parameter, replaced withpscad.compiler
Engine configuration parameters. - Engine setup wizard now configures PSCAD and optionally direct (EMTDC) launch mode
- Log file of commands sent to EMTDC exe now created when running in direct (EMTDC) launch mode if
Save all temp
is selected
- Added new command
- Plotting
- Added new command
to output value of a PSS®E or PSCAD™ channel to an Internode Variable - Added new advanced parameter
to generate a blue/red overlay of the PDF being generated by this Node and an existing PDF to highlight the differences between them
- Added new command
- General
- Web App
- Fixed - rated active power decimal rounding issue
- Fixed - missing advanced parameter tab on
Nodes - Removed
fields fromPSS®E Dynamic
parameter Node windows - Improved loop and loop variable validation (new error types LoopVariableInFileName and UniqueFileName added)
- Engine
- General
- Removed unnecessary printed output from Engine setup wizard console
- Fixed - single line diagram (PSS®E Slider file) was not being copied into Standalone folder
- Fixed - file path for DLLs used in dynamic simulation was incorrect in Standalone auto-generated python macro
- Fixed - scale of
channel was incorrect
- Fixed - unused output channels within a sub-module were not disabled when they should have been
- Fixed - EMTDC raising XY table points out of order error due to incorrect sorting of
flags in smiby channel files
- Plotting
- Fixed - plot output filenames do not support spaces
- Fixed - legend overlapping with the bottom sub-plot if more than 3 lines plotted on a single plot Node
- General
Release date: 01/05/2023
New features:
- Engine
- General
- Included
as an example Project with the installer. - Simulation summary file now includes simulation id in file name.
- Included
command added (to add the same capability as the PSCAD™ NodeTOVTEST
- Added direct (EMTDC) launch mode which uses PSCAD™ to build the simulation executables and then runs these executables directly. Early testing shows ~13% increase in simulation speed for a typical DMAT template due to lower PSCAD™ overhead.
- Added new settings parameters
for direct (EMTDC) launch mode. - New release of
block, addedsmiby_POC_ID
channels, addedmin_ohms
smiby parameter to allow customisable minimum impedance values. - Added
advanced parameter to PSCAD™ (to match PSS®E). - Mixing absolute and relative (%) voltage changes is now supported in PSCAD™ Node (such as required for AEMO DMAT tests 186 through 189).
- General
- Engine
- General
- Fixed error where Internode Variable would try to be matched even if the line was commented out.
- Fixed error caused by extra whitespace in external generator control fields (such as voltage, frequency or angle).
- Fixed Engine logging information being displayed when in worker status log display mode.
- Setup wizard now asks if the example files should be copied into the inputs directory, rather than just copying.
- Fixed occasional extra lines being added to simulation summary file.
- Fixed error when using
in a PSS®E v34 dynamic simulation. - Fixed incorrect scale in PSS®E v34
auto-created playback generator file. - Increased PSS®E v34 legacy API connection timeout timer (so timeout doesn't occur under very heavy PC simulation load).
- Expanded
warnings. - Error now raised if
is provided aBUS=
flag when it is actually a generator, or vice-versa.
- Fixed error when using
Standalone folder
creation now copies required library files for external models.TOVTEST
command now supportsDURATION=
flag to switch capacitor out.TOVTEST
command no longer causes singularity error ifQCAP=
is given zero or negative value.smiby
block internal multimeter sampling rate now toggles between base frequency and 1000 Hz based onVOLT_OSCIL
command presence.smiby
channel was incorrectly measuring infinite bus frequency, updated to POC.
- Plotting
- Fixed error when multiple PSCAD™ plots appear on a single sub-plot.
- Fixed spaces in plot filenames incorrectly throwing an invalid filename error.
- Table
- Fixed error when a Loop Variable containing text (rather than numbers) was added to table output data.
- General
Release date: 12/04/2023
New features:
- Web App
- Highlight Node on Flow when Node is selected and being edited in the Node window.
- Provide links to relevant page of docs above command text area fields.
- State management library includes version management to allow backward compatibility of older JSON files.
- Engine
- General
- Added a setup and upgrade wizard to set the gridmo Engine configuration file.
- Engine installer no longer requires admin rights, now installs in the users local AppData directory.
- Added
Standalone folder
creation feature which creates a folder which includes the minimum files to repeat a PSSE or PSCAD™ simulation outside of the gridmo Engine. This feature is designed for sharing repeatable results with other parties. To create the file, select theSave all logs and working files
checkbox on theSimulation
launch page. - Temporary files are now deleted after completion of a Run. To save all temporary files into the outputs folder, use the
Save all logs and working files
checkbox on theSimulation
launch page. - Simulation ID of each Task now included in Engine log files.
- STATE and VAR channels can now be plotted by using the
output commands inPSS®E Dynamic
Node. - Added output command to export transformer tap ratio as an Internode Variable, use
command. - Added static study advanced parameter
which disables voltage checking limits for the swing bus. This value defaults to YES which is typically appropriate for SMIB studies. For full system model studies, setting this value to NO is recommended. - Added a check to raise a warning if any branch in the PSS®E model may be too low to prevent load flow convergence (typically <0.0001 pu on 100 MVA base)
- Added a warning if the system apparent power base is not 100 MVA.
- STATE and VAR channels can now be plotted by using the
- Plot
- Auto smart scaling added. This mode will provide reasonable scaling limits based on the data type being plotted.
- Recovery time calculation added using the
command inPlot
- General
- Web App
File -> Download project
adds a timestamp to the file name.- Improve UI when inserting new Nodes.
- Engine
- General
- Task version now included with simulation id in
folders directories. - Fixed error when worker process has stalled and was forced stopped by the Engine.
- If a Task encounters an error, all dependent Tasks will be cancelled to prevent unnecessary cascading errors.
- Task version now included with simulation id in
- Plot
- Removed title and subtitle text being limited to 40 or 60 characters, now raises warning if the title or subtitle may be too long.
- Strong plot colour order has been improved. The colour of the lines on the plot depend on the Node type (Order is
thenPSS®E Dynamic
). If there are any duplicate Node types, then they will be plotted based on the layout of the Nodes in the Flow (Order is left to right).
- General
- Docs
- Updated
pages to match new Engine setup and upgrade wizard. - Expanded
Terms and definitions
page to include adding, bulk moving and copying Nodes and Edges.
- Updated
Release date: 28/03/2023
New features:
- Web App
- Implement Edge copy and paste.
- Implement analytics, session debugging and error logging.
- Web App
- Allow
Project rated active power [MW]
to include values to two decimal places. - Fixed issue where data would not correctly load when selecting
Nodes. - Output type Nodes (e.g.
) will place outputs (e.g. .pdf, .csv) in the outputs folder even if not in a loop. - Improve text validation in
Loop: Start
Nodes, including ability to add comments and white spaces between values.
- Allow
- Engine
- General
- Failed Tasks now copy to the
folder whenSave all logs and working files
is selected on the Web App launch tab. gridmo_config.cfg
renamed todirs.inputs
for future data import functionality (for example, overlaying PQ data recording with input data).- Contents of
file now printed to console and log file when Engine opens. - Added Task version check with simulation version from Web App.
- Failed Tasks now copy to the
- Redesigned and improved the 'legacy 32bit' mode. This mode supports 32bit PSS®E (back to v34.3). Added new
(Python 2.7 is now required in addition to the gridmo Engine installer). - Fixed 'legacy 32bit' mode sometimes not shutting down the 32bit PSS®E API when a simulation finished successfully.
- Fixed error when Run using 'legacy 32bit' mode and
commands were used. - Fixed error when
commands have aNAME=
flag with lower case letters inPSS®E Dynamic
Nodes. - Added support for USRBUS 'other' model types in
PSS®E Dynamic
- Redesigned and improved the 'legacy 32bit' mode. This mode supports 32bit PSS®E (back to v34.3). Added new
- Plotting
- Added a warning which raises if no data is found in any linked Nodes for a single subplot.
- General
Release date: 17/03/2023
New features:
- Web App
- Implement Node copy and paste.
- Implement user feedback when launching simulations.
- Engine
- PSCAD™/EMTDC™ v5.0.1 support added.
- The
block, which provides control channels and acts as an equivalent external grid/source. - Variable SCR, XR, frequency, voltage and angle playback.
- Single and multi fault (MFRT) capability, including specifying via residual voltage or fault impedance.
- Transient over-voltage (capacitor switch-in).
- Source voltage oscillation / amplitude modulation capability.
- Output channels automatically disabled if not in use (to increase simulation speed).
- Time step, plot step, feed forward signals etc all configurable.
- Web App
- General:
- Implement gridmo branding (e.g. fonts, colours)
- Update copyright to 2023.
- Backend:
- Increase robustness of unraveller.
- General:
- Engine
- General:
- Improvements to Engine console logging (connection re-established, message on change of log output type).
- Engine no longer hangs if console window is selected/highlighted.
- Prevented crash on invalid config values, now displays errors via popup.
- Removed
advanced parameter, Python macro recording now enabled as default ifSave all temp
is checked on the simulation launch web page. ierr
API error values now give additional information on error (where available from PSS®E API).- Engine now autodetects and applies correct playback generator version
(v35) andPLBVFU1
(v34, via USRMDL). - Warning now raised if slack bus generator (equivalent) has Z source too high, which may cause unexpected behaviour during voltage playback simulations.
- External grid angle change can now be controlled independently.
- Fixed error in
commands. - Fixed output scale for
active and reactive commands. Now MW / MVAr to matchOUTPUT,LINE=
- Removed
- Plot
- PSCAD™/EMTDC™ files plot first (in colour order) before PSS®E results.
- Fixed missing font error for plot generation.
- Expanded logging warnings, such as warning if vertical max value is less than vertical min value.
- General:
Release date: 27/02/2023
First release.